- 3432120145 : three four three - two one two - zero one four five
- 3432220342 : three four three - two two two - zero three four two
- 3432900521 : spam!..
- 3432900528 : spam!..
- 3433025834 : Spam....
- 3433036044 : Un homme de yemen me texte prétendant être soldat canadien...
- 3433046117 : three four three - three zero four - six one one seven
- 3433046118 : three four three - three zero four - six one one eight
- 3433046120 : three four three - three zero four - six one two zero
- 3433046121 : three four three - three zero four - six one two one
- 3433046123 : three four three - three zero four - six one two three
- 3433046124 : Yes 11 times a day for the past 3 weeks..
- 3433080361 : Spam call..
- 3433080367 : spam..
- 3433128240 : three four three - three one two - eight two four zero
- 3433256175 : three four three - three two five - six one seven five
- 3433331151 : Knew my first name. Yelling & incoherent. No scam attempt. Weird...
- 3434885003 : Some kind of research... Then called again to ask for the address.....
- 3434885033 : This number shows up as "likely spam" so I don't answer. I get cal..
- 3435408609 : three four three - five four zero - eight six zero nine
- 3435522084 : three four three - five five two - two zero eight four
- 3435719150 : three four three - five seven one - nine one five zero
- 3435738402 : The lady on the phone said she's calling from Statistic Canada. Her call is ..
- 3436003568 : three four three - six zero zero - three five six eight
- 3436306369 : three four three - six three zero - six three six nine
- 3436452296 : three four three - six four five - two two nine six
- 3438040612 : three four three - eight zero four - zero six one two
- 3438040701 : Spam....
- 3438044559 : three four three - eight zero four - four five five nine
- 3439445694 : three four three - nine four four - five six nine four
- 3439616309 : three four three - nine six one - six three zero nine
- 3439877019 : 289-624-4285 AND 647-354-2063 sexual pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stole..
- 3439994122 : three four three - nine nine nine - four one two two
- 3439994421 : three four three - nine nine nine - four four two one
343 - Ottawa
Ottawa - 343 unknown numbers service