
+1 3439877019 Whose? Where does it belong? Who is the owner?

343-987-7019 ( three four three - nine eight seven - seven zero one nine ) information on the phone number is available on this page. Did this 3439877019 number call you too?

Numbers starting with 343 belong to the Ottawa - Ontario region as geographic location. It belongs to country Canada.

343 9877019 telephone number was registered to our Unknown Number Inquiry Service on 2021-03-04 and was searched 246 times.

(343) 987-7019 tel no rating, 10 review and scored 1 points out of 5. According to this result, it was recorded as Spam Calling

Questions you're wondering (3)

User Reviews (10)

Comments on (343) 987-7019 phone number will help people called by this number. Last call, someone else searched this number 5 days ago. A total of 246 called with you.

Spam Calling   2021-03-04
343-987-7019 This -sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his search and thirst for little 5 year old German boys is a full time job, as for his part time job he transitions into transsexual MIME in the evenings for the JUST FOR LAUGHS comedy festival in TORONTO.. Oh by the way, his Terabyte Computer ServicesL1X 0A3address is here’s a clip from a TORONTO Newspaper article . PLEASE READ- !!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/l-sexual-predator-sentenced-to-2-years-in-prison-will-be-named-on-s*x-offender-registry-1.4716343.

Spam Calling   2021-05-05
289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

Spam Calling   2021-05-05
343-987-7019 This -sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his search and thirst for little 5 year old German boys is a full time job, as for his part time job he transitions into transsexual MIME in the evenings for the JUST FOR LAUGHS comedy festival in TORONTO.. Oh by the way, his Terabyte Computer ServicesL1X 0A3address is here's a clip from a TORONTO Newspaper article . PLEASE READ- !!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/l-sexual-predator-sentenced-to-2-years-in-prison-will-be-named-on-s*x-offender-registry-1.4716343.

Spam Calling   2021-05-18
249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 *sexual**lle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970’s. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot a

Spam Calling   2021-05-14
343-987-7019 This -sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his search and thirst for little 5 year old German boys is a full time job, as for his part time job he transitions into transsexual MIME in the evenings for the JUST FOR LAUGHS comedy festival in TORONTO.. Oh by the way, his Terabyte Computer ServicesL1X 0A3address is here's a clip from a TORONTO Newspaper article . PLEASE READ- !!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/l-sexual-predator-sentenced-to-2-years-in-prison-will-be-named-on-s*x-offender-registry-1.4716343.

Spam Calling   2021-07-04
* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 *sexual pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For fellatio & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES

Spam Calling   2021-07-20
*365-306-1231*, *289-624-4285 * ,*647-354-2063 *sexual pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For fellatio & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT D

Spam Calling   2021-07-18
289 620-3011 This -sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his search and thirst for little 5 year old German boys is a full time job, as for his part time job he transitions into transsexual MIME in the evenings for the JUST FOR LAUGHS comedy festival in TORONTO.. Oh by the way, his Terabyte Computer ServicesL1X 0A3address is here’s a clip from a TORONTO Newspaper article . PLEASE READ- !!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/l-sexual-predator-sentenced-to-2-years-in-prison-will-be-named-on-s*x-offender-registry-1.4716343.

Spam Calling   2021-08-06
289-624-4285 * ,*647-354-2063 * This -sexual pedophile & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to rape & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy sexual abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his search and thirst for little 5 year old German boys is a full time job, as for his part time job he transitions into transsexual MIME in the evenings for the JUST FOR LAUGHS comedy festival in TORONTO.. Oh by the way, his Terabyte Computer ServicesL1X 0A3address is here’s a clip from a TORONTO Newspaper article . PLEASE READ- !!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/l-sexual-predator-sentenced-to-2-years-in-prison-will-be-named-on-s*x-offender-registry-1.4716343

Spam Calling   2021-10-15
289-624-4285 AND 647-354-2063 sexual pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO Facebook Market Place AND KIJIJI --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100022728786675/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/ray.prince.7334 --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100009160006677/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/laura.malatakis.9 --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100023929010270/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100000547849252/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/karen.johnson.12139 --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100061820028427/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100038828780742 --https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/1800516434/?ref=permalink --https://www.facebook.com/denise.vagena -https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/100026516378426/?ref=permalink -https://www.facebook.com/assiya.di -https://www.facebook.com/ma

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