Phone Number Search

Singapore is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • 8288 2305
    - Spam or scam caller
  • 6950 8750
    - unknown caller does not speak, and does not answer my return call. Weird.
  • 6839 7624
    - Didn't pick up.called back no response
  • 6852 2705
    - Received this call claiming that she's calling from ocbc.
  • 6817 4326
    - A guy called me up, saying that my name was shortlisted for Singapore PR list. He mentioned he was with AIA, I suppose? Asked when I am convenient to meet up, but i declined, and he proposed an online Zoom meeting instead.
  • 6631 7889
    - Didnt pick up
  • 8556 0242
    - Indicated as potential fraud!
  • 6812 2022
    - Indicated as suspected spam!
  • 6950 1835
    - HSBC Life
  • 8644 7982
    - this number called me on 19 Dec ard 12.31pm
  • 6257 9430
    - Horny guy calling at 3am
  • 6971 6512
    - called me twice like it was an urgent call. still dont know who it was
  • 6950 1610
  • 8161 0511
  • 8110 5816
    - Scam sms, wrong notification