- 0313310506 : This number call me maybe 3 times a week I did not unswered it I just drop it an..
- 0313310509 : zero three one - three three one - zero five zero nine
- 0313310512 : zero three one - three three one - zero five one two
- 0313310520 : spam!..
- 0313310524 : They call... sold a cellphone to me, however I'm trying to contact them but ..
- 0313310526 : Spam....
- 0313310529 : zero three one - three three one - zero five two nine
- 0313310530 : Spam....
- 0313310532 : zero three one - three three one - zero five three two
- 0313310533 : zero three one - three three one - zero five three three
- 0313310568 : zero three one - three three one - zero five six eight
- 0313310571 : zero three one - three three one - zero five seven one
- 0313310572 : zero three one - three three one - zero five seven two
- 0313310573 : zero three one - three three one - zero five seven three
- 0313310589 : Received a call from this number claiming it was a representative from MTN. When..
- 0313310637 : this number has been calling but when you answer no one speaking its annoying..
- 0313503237 : Missed call from that number +27313503237 idea it is my true caller shows Max La..
- 0313503238 : zero three one - three five zero - three two three eight
- 0313621723 : zero three one - three six two - one seven two three
- 0313623500 : Spam....
- 0313632475 : zero three one - three six three - two four seven five
- 0313670000 : Spam....
- 0313686551 : zero three one - three six eight - six five five one
- 0313721806 : zero three one - three seven two - one eight zero six
- 0313735441 : zero three one - three seven three - five four four one
- 0313962959 : zero three one - three nine six - two nine five nine
- 0313963216 : zero three one - three nine six - three two one six
- 0313963553 : zero three one - three nine six - three five five three
- 0313963565 : zero three one - three nine six - three five six five
- 0313965162 : zero three one - three nine six - five one six two
- 0313965608 : zero three one - three nine six - five six zero eight
- 0313965629 : zero three one - three nine six - five six two nine
- 0313965647 : zero three one - three nine six - five six four seven
- 0313965667 : zero three one - three nine six - five six six seven
- 0313965736 : SPAM , will phone you every day..
- 0313966707 : zero three one - three nine six - six seven zero seven
- 0314012051 : zero three one - four zero one - two zero five one
- 0314013610 : Partrite Motor Spares in Chatsworth, Durban. very helpful and friendly auto par..
- 0314100000 : zero three one - four one zero - zero zero zero zero
- 0314295905 : zero three one - four two nine - five nine zero five
- 0314390225 : zero three one - four three nine - zero two two five
- 0314531970 : zero three one - four five three - one nine seven zero
- 0314651684 : zero three one - four six five - one six eight four
- 0314661476 : zero three one - four six six - one four seven six
- 0314760260 : zero three one - four seven six - zero two six zero
- 0314920235 : zero three one - four nine two - zero two three five
- 0314920315 : ARB Electrical Wholesalers..
- 0314922085 : This number is for the Busamed Hospital Hillcrest Collections Department..
- 0314922695 : zero three one - four nine two - two six nine five
- 0314922763 : zero three one - four nine two - two seven six three
- 0314922786 : weird lady pretending to be from mtn..
- 0314922788 : zero three one - four nine two - two seven eight eight
- 0314923178 : zero three one - four nine two - three one seven eight
- 0314923226 : zero three one - four nine two - three two two six
- 0314923233 : zero three one - four nine two - three two three three
- 0314923234 : zero three one - four nine two - three two three four
- 0314923259 : zero three one - four nine two - three two five nine
- 0314923310 : zero three one - four nine two - three three one zero
- 0314923313 : zero three one - four nine two - three three one three
- 0314923315 : zero three one - four nine two - three three one five
- 0314923326 : This number phoned me daily for more than a week, no one answers when spoken to ..
- 0314923328 : zero three one - four nine two - three three two eight
- 0314923329 : zero three one - four nine two - three three two nine
- 0314923330 : zero three one - four nine two - three three three zero
- 0314923331 : zero three one - four nine two - three three three one
- 0314923347 : zero three one - four nine two - three three four seven
- 0314923427 : zero three one - four nine two - three four two seven
- 0314923588 : zero three one - four nine two - three five eight eight
- 0314923611 : zero three one - four nine two - three six one one
- 0314923648 : zero three one - four nine two - three six four eight
- 0314923762 : Selling vodacom special. Very rude when I did not wanna take up the offer..
- 0314923949 : zero three one - four nine two - three nine four nine
- 0314923992 : zero three one - four nine two - three nine nine two
- 0314923995 : zero three one - four nine two - three nine nine five
- 0314924177 : The number called my girlfriend..
- 0314924363 : zero three one - four nine two - four three six three
- 0314924403 : zero three one - four nine two - four four zero three
- 0314924415 : zero three one - four nine two - four four one five
- 0314924431 : zero three one - four nine two - four four three one
- 0314924433 : zero three one - four nine two - four four three three
- 0314924459 : Spam....
- 0314924530 : zero three one - four nine two - four five three zero
- 0314924539 : zero three one - four nine two - four five three nine
- 0314924559 : zero three one - four nine two - four five five nine
- 0314925379 : zero three one - four nine two - five three seven nine
- 0314925540 : Caller silent drops on answer.. goes dead and has called on the hour...
- 0314925804 : Whose number is this..
- 0314925905 : zero three one - four nine two - five nine zero five
- 0314925911 : zero three one - four nine two - five nine one one
- 0314926222 : zero three one - four nine two - six two two two
- 0314926437 : zero three one - four nine two - six four three seven
- 0314926630 : zero three one - four nine two - six six three zero
- 0314926640 : A lady from woolworths called me regarding woolworths card, however I had to ans..
- 0314926748 : zero three one - four nine two - six seven four eight
- 0314926908 : zero three one - four nine two - six nine zero eight
- 0314927156 : Good morning Please help me to find the owner this number 0314927156 my cell..
- 0314928472 : spam call..
- 0314930077 : zero three one - four nine three - zero zero seven seven
- 0314930091 : zero three one - four nine three - zero zero nine one
- 0314930104 : zero three one - four nine three - zero one zero four
31 - Durban
Durban - 31 unknown numbers service, 5. page