- 9522060974 : nine five two - two zero six - zero nine seven four
- 9522060975 : nine five two - two zero six - zero nine seven five
- 9522130346 : nine five two - two one three - zero three four six
- 9522136095 : nine five two - two one three - six zero nine five
- 9522147170 : Spam....
- 9522225008 : nine five two - two two two - five zero zero eight
- 9522225199 : spam caller...
- 9522301051 : Spam....
- 9522347702 : nine five two - two three four - seven seven zero two
- 9522421202 : nine five two - two four two - one two zero two
- 9522421323 : Spam....
- 9523009525 : nine five two - three zero zero - nine five two five
- 9523560561 : nine five two - three five six - zero five six one
- 9523958491 : nine five two - three nine five - eight four nine one
- 9523958500 : This number called. I did not recognize the number so I did not answer it. No me..
- 9524455893 : nine five two - four four five - five eight nine three
- 9524666732 : nine five two - four six six - six seven three two
- 9524795070 : nine five two - four seven nine - five zero seven zero
- 9524919600 : nine five two - four nine one - nine six zero zero
- 9525294664 : nine five two - five two nine - four six six four
- 9525550953 : nine five two - five five five - zero nine five three
- 9526495497 : this number called me, the person talked about different things, police/ help/se..
- 9528369485 : nine five two - eight three six - nine four eight five
- 9528812627 : nine five two - eight eight one - two six two seven
- 9529007615 : nine five two - nine zero zero - seven six one five
- 9529379281 : nine five two - nine three seven - nine two eight one
- 9529418472 : spam call!..
- 9529531000 : nine five two - nine five three - one zero zero zero
- 9529536727 : nine five two - nine five three - six seven two seven
- 9529937500 : nine five two - nine nine three - seven five zero zero
952 - Bloomington
Bloomington - 952 unknown numbers service