- 9122052505 : nine one two - two zero five - two five zero five
- 9122052612 : Spam....
- 9122099096 : nine one two - two zero nine - nine zero nine six
- 9122142209 : Spam....
- 9122169323 : spam call..
- 9122214275 : nine one two - two two one - four two seven five
- 9122251825 : nine one two - two two five - one eight two five
- 9122256200 : nine one two - two two five - six two zero zero
- 9122260524 : nine one two - two two six - zero five two four
- 9122267904 : Spam....
- 9122448411 : nine one two - two four four - eight four one one
- 9122641955 : nine one two - two six four - one nine five five
- 9122699823 : This number sent a inappropriate text that had mia4hookup..
- 9122888742 : nine one two - two eight eight - eight seven four two
- 9122893821 : nine one two - two eight nine - three eight two one
- 9122933263 : nine one two - two nine three - three two six three
- 9122937812 : nine one two - two nine three - seven eight one two
- 9122967812 : nine one two - two nine six - seven eight one two
- 9122993788 : nine one two - two nine nine - three seven eight eight
- 9122997428 : nine one two - two nine nine - seven four two eight
- 9123010044 : nine one two - three zero one - zero zero four four
- 9123104032 : nine one two - three one zero - four zero three two
- 9123126408 : I returned the call and asked if there was a caller by Jeanie Wilson at that num..
- 9123197682 : nine one two - three one nine - seven six eight two
- 9123242492 : nine one two - three two four - two four nine two
- 9123249071 : nine one two - three two four - nine zero seven one
- 9123449102 : nine one two - three four four - nine one zero two
- 9123581873 : nine one two - three five eight - one eight seven three
- 9123729317 : Caller was soliciting donations for the US Veterans Assistance Foundation. This ..
- 9123781827 : nine one two - three seven eight - one eight two seven
- 9123887602 : nine one two - three eight eight - seven six zero two
- 9123901167 : nine one two - three nine zero - one one six seven
- 9123911639 : nine one two - three nine one - one six three nine
- 9123943820 : nine one two - three nine four - three eight two zero
- 9123955591 : nine one two - three nine five - five five nine one
- 9123955600 : nine one two - three nine five - five six zero zero
- 9124202666 : nine one two - four two zero - two six six six
- 9124308051 : nine one two - four three zero - eight zero five one
- 9124463966 : “Congratulations from landmark Chevrolet you are a big winner and have not yet c..
- 9124466520 : scam calls ...93 plus calls to various individuals..
- 9124467914 : Spam....
- 9124473335 : nine one two - four four seven - three three three five
- 9124613830 : Spam....
- 9124633222 : nine one two - four six three - three two two two
- 9124704328 : nine one two - four seven zero - four three two eight
- 9124914115 : nine one two - four nine one - four one one five
- 9125515427 : spam call!..
- 9125568439 : Spam....
- 9125753870 : nine one two - five seven five - three eight seven zero
- 9125926685 : nine one two - five nine two - six six eight five
- 9126162455 : spam!..
- 9126179974 : nine one two - six one seven - nine nine seven four
- 9126620013 : Spam....
- 9126662776 : nine one two - six six six - two seven seven six
- 9127320748 : nine one two - seven three two - zero seven four eight
- 9127556155 : nine one two - seven five five - six one five five
- 9128198335 : Phone number stated it was COVID vaccine schedule line for st joseph chandler..
- 9128762161 : nine one two - eight seven six - two one six one
- 9128785005 : nine one two - eight seven eight - five zero zero five
- 9129001181 : nine one two - nine zero zero - one one eight one
- 9129994799 : nine one two - nine nine nine - four seven nine nine
912 - Savannah
Savannah - 912 unknown numbers service