- 8622037958 : Some kind of timeshare scam..
- 8622064280 : this guy is called sergio manzzini, and says he works in new jersey in a stock..
- 8622065788 : eight six two - two zero six - five seven eight eight
- 8622158575 : Leaves text messages about 5/3 bank and having to close my account due to insecu..
- 8622172940 : spam..
- 8622226880 : eight six two - two two two - six eight eight zero
- 8622228571 : eight six two - two two two - eight five seven one
- 8622258571 : eight six two - two two five - eight five seven one
- 8622268264 : eight six two - two two six - eight two six four
- 8622338381 : eight six two - two three three - eight three eight one
- 8622450145 : eight six two - two four five - zero one four five
- 8622560061 : eight six two - two five six - zero zero six one
- 8622619262 : spam..
- 8622940030 : 9173095735..
- 8623004427 : eight six two - three zero zero - four four two seven
- 8623004747 : spam call!..
- 8623171803 : eight six two - three one seven - one eight zero three
- 8623437641 : eight six two - three four three - seven six four one
- 8624200385 : eight six two - four two zero - zero three eight five
- 8624209763 : No message only call..
- 8625295222 : eight six two - five two nine - five two two two
- 8626575798 : eight six two - six five seven - five seven nine eight
- 8628959401 : eight six two - eight nine five - nine four zero one
- 8629449340 : eight six two - nine four four - nine three four zero
862 - Newark
Newark - 862 unknown numbers service