- 8432121253 : eight four three - two one two - one two five three
- 8432122457 : eight four three - two one two - two four five seven
- 8432127648 : eight four three - two one two - seven six four eight
- 8432420088 : Spam....
- 8432429331 : eight four three - two four two - nine three three one
- 8432466266 : eight four three - two four six - six two six six
- 8432520904 : eight four three - two five two - zero nine zero four
- 8432589812 : eight four three - two five eight - nine eight one two
- 8432647521 : eight four three - two six four - seven five two one
- 8432770228 : eight four three - two seven seven - zero two two eight
- 8432770232 : spam call!..
- 8432773274 : eight four three - two seven seven - three two seven four
- 8432792618 : eight four three - two seven nine - two six one eight
- 8432794778 : eight four three - two seven nine - four seven seven eight
- 8432798892 : Spam....
- 8432798899 : eight four three - two seven nine - eight eight nine nine
- 8432964871 : eight four three - two nine six - four eight seven one
- 8433068574 : eight four three - three zero six - eight five seven four
- 8433473186 : eight four three - three four seven - three one eight six
- 8433501474 : eight four three - three five zero - one four seven four
- 8433505729 : eight four three - three five zero - five seven two nine
- 8433508776 : eight four three - three five zero - eight seven seven six
- 8433509954 : eight four three - three five zero - nine nine five four
- 8433524202 : Spam....
- 8433524206 : eight four three - three five two - four two zero six
- 8433531094 : spam..
- 8433968253 : eight four three - three nine six - eight two five three
- 8434053276 : eight four three - four zero five - three two seven six
- 8434055009 : eight four three - four zero five - five zero zero nine
- 8434280383 : eight four three - four two eight - zero three eight three
- 8434283563 : No person named Mark or Jessica owns that phone..
- 8434283677 : eight four three - four two eight - three six seven seven
- 8434795253 : eight four three - four seven nine - five two five three
- 8434886550 : eight four three - four eight eight - six five five zero
- 8435074742 : eight four three - five zero seven - four seven four two
- 8435215809 : eight four three - five two one - five eight zero nine
- 8435314402 : eight four three - five three one - four four zero two
- 8435316583 : spam!..
- 8435345641 : Spam....
- 8435449533 : eight four three - five four four - nine five three three
- 8435605736 : Called number of times,I do not answer...
- 8435688890 : eight four three - five six eight - eight eight nine zero
- 8435848214 : spam call!..
- 8435887572 : eight four three - five eight eight - seven five seven two
- 8436050746 : eight four three - six zero five - zero seven four six
- 8436206507 : eight four three - six two zero - six five zero seven
- 8436281129 : Spam....
- 8436322763 : eight four three - six three two - two seven six three
- 8436325815 : eight four three - six three two - five eight one five
- 8436331216 : He pretends to be an American soldier who is on a mission, tries to make you fal..
- 8436595190 : This is Turbeville SC Correctional Facility youre receiving a call from an inma..
- 8436884308 : eight four three - six eight eight - four three zero eight
- 8436954265 : Spam....
- 8437020700 : Spam....
- 8437126707 : eight four three - seven one two - six seven zero seven
- 8437315902 : eight four three - seven three one - five nine zero two
- 8437613946 : Spam....
- 8437775999 : eight four three - seven seven seven - five nine nine nine
- 8437902301 : eight four three - seven nine zero - two three zero one
- 8437930493 : eight four three - seven nine three - zero four nine three
- 8438185100 : eight four three - eight one eight - five one zero zero
- 8438220404 : eight four three - eight two two - zero four zero four
- 8438426727 : eight four three - eight four two - six seven two seven
- 8438851986 : eight four three - eight eight five - one nine eight six
- 8438854057 : eight four three - eight eight five - four zero five seven
- 8439290191 : eight four three - nine two nine - zero one nine one
- 8439384860 : Spam....
- 8439729638 : eight four three - nine seven two - nine six three eight
- 8439990666 : eight four three - nine nine nine - zero six six six
843 - Charleston
Charleston - 843 unknown numbers service