- 8322059008 : eight three two - two zero five - nine zero zero eight
- 8322063917 : eight three two - two zero six - three nine one seven
- 8322100135 : eight three two - two one zero - zero one three five
- 8322192209 : eight three two - two one nine - two two zero nine
- 8322198138 : spam call!..
- 8322220833 : eight three two - two two two - zero eight three three
- 8322243837 : called threatened me & family..
- 8322254724 : eight three two - two two five - four seven two four
- 8322265809 : eight three two - two two six - five eight zero nine
- 8322302872 : eight three two - two three zero - two eight seven two
- 8322342922 : eight three two - two three four - two nine two two
- 8322342953 : eight three two - two three four - two nine five three
- 8322348610 : eight three two - two three four - eight six one zero
- 8322381288 : eight three two - two three eight - one two eight eight
- 8322395254 : eight three two - two three nine - five two five four
- 8322413491 : eight three two - two four one - three four nine one
- 8322600126 : eight three two - two six zero - zero one two six
- 8322600134 : Spam....
- 8322600179 : eight three two - two six zero - zero one seven nine
- 8322624454 : eight three two - two six two - four four five four
- 8322661756 : Spam....
- 8322661772 : eight three two - two six six - one seven seven two
- 8322714963 : Spam....
- 8322857176 : eight three two - two eight five - seven one seven six
- 8322919998 : Spam....
- 8322991737 : Spam....
- 8323070435 : eight three two - three zero seven - zero four three five
- 8323078106 : eight three two - three zero seven - eight one zero six
- 8323079786 : eight three two - three zero seven - nine seven eight six
- 8323212708 : eight three two - three two one - two seven zero eight
- 8323218341 : eight three two - three two one - eight three four one
- 8323231310 : Alex. Wanted to buy property in Fort Bend County. I do not own property in tha..
- 8323236968 : eight three two - three two three - six nine six eight
- 8323334097 : eight three two - three three three - four zero nine seven
- 8323360087 : eight three two - three three six - zero zero eight seven
- 8323443086 : Spam....
- 8323443242 : eight three two - three four four - three two four two
- 8323459925 : eight three two - three four five - nine nine two five
- 8323463964 : eight three two - three four six - three nine six four
- 8323466254 : Number texted me with just my first name and a question mark. I do not know this..
- 8323543489 : spam number 832 3543489..
- 8323601381 : Spam....
- 8323766492 : eight three two - three seven six - six four nine two
- 8323767958 : eight three two - three seven six - seven nine five eight
- 8323786144 : eight three two - three seven eight - six one four four
- 8323795396 : eight three two - three seven nine - five three nine six
- 8323887619 : eight three two - three eight eight - seven six one nine
- 8323944900 : eight three two - three nine four - four nine zero zero
- 8324001080 : Calling saying very serious matter and case number..
- 8324007116 : eight three two - four zero zero - seven one one six
- 8324009512 : eight three two - four zero zero - nine five one two
- 8324127024 : eight three two - four one two - seven zero two four
- 8324153757 : eight three two - four one five - three seven five seven
- 8324219997 : eight three two - four two one - nine nine nine seven
- 8324219998 : eight three two - four two one - nine nine nine eight
- 8324261332 : eight three two - four two six - one three three two
- 8324302003 : Spam....
- 8324320979 : eight three two - four three two - zero nine seven nine
- 8324469731 : eight three two - four four six - nine seven three one
- 8324469732 : Spam....
- 8324469957 : Spam....
- 8324540361 : eight three two - four five four - zero three six one
- 8324644946 : eight three two - four six four - four nine four six
- 8324645615 : This number has called me 20 times. I don't know anyone in Houston, TX. I ..
- 8324718037 : eight three two - four seven one - eight zero three seven
- 8324718717 : eight three two - four seven one - eight seven one seven
- 8324761618 : eight three two - four seven six - one six one eight
- 8324787111 : eight three two - four seven eight - seven one one one
- 8324791795 : eight three two - four seven nine - one seven nine five
- 8324793850 : eight three two - four seven nine - three eight five zero
- 8324794740 : Claimed they needed my signature on some documation between 3 and 5PM and if I d..
- 8324903305 : eight three two - four nine zero - three three zero five
- 8325013819 : eight three two - five zero one - three eight one nine
- 8325104236 : process server..
- 8325108824 : I've gotten the same message from this number. No further responses...
- 8325220029 : eight three two - five two two - zero zero two nine
- 8325296905 : eight three two - five two nine - six nine zero five
- 8325398096 : spam call!..
- 8325417934 : eight three two - five four one - seven nine three four
- 8325434464 : eight three two - five four three - four four six four
- 8325511989 : eight three two - five five one - one nine eight nine
- 8325512270 : Threatening, Brandon Williams called me left 3 voice mails with 3 different voic..
- 8325530097 : eight three two - five five three - zero zero nine seven
- 8325531976 : Spam....
- 8325581703 : Not sure yet. Worried it's a scam for a rental house on Craigslist in Seattl..
- 8325586124 : eight three two - five five eight - six one two four
- 8325836790 : eight three two - five eight three - six seven nine zero
- 8325910443 : eight three two - five nine one - zero four four three
- 8325999997 : eight three two - five nine nine - nine nine nine seven
- 8325999998 : eight three two - five nine nine - nine nine nine eight
- 8326125958 : eight three two - six one two - five nine five eight
- 8326176389 : s p a m..
- 8326262319 : eight three two - six two six - two three one nine
- 8326319286 : Spam....
- 8326329129 : eight three two - six three two - nine one two nine
- 8326375172 : eight three two - six three seven - five one seven two
- 8326456618 : eight three two - six four five - six six one eight
- 8326500681 : eight three two - six five zero - zero six eight one
- 8326501685 : eight three two - six five zero - one six eight five
- 8326616414 : fake job from ikea..
832 - Houston
Houston - 832 unknown numbers service