- 8302013399 : eight three zero - two zero one - three three nine nine
- 8302029525 : eight three zero - two zero two - nine five two five
- 8302150877 : eight three zero - two one five - zero eight seven seven
- 8302171582 : eight three zero - two one seven - one five eight two
- 8302176387 : eight three zero - two one seven - six three eight seven
- 8302212028 : eight three zero - two two one - two zero two eight
- 8302260017 : eight three zero - two two six - zero zero one seven
- 8302410157 : Spam....
- 8302412364 : eight three zero - two four one - two three six four
- 8302534050 : eight three zero - two five three - four zero five zero
- 8302568083 : eight three zero - two five six - eight zero eight three
- 8302613215 : eight three zero - two six one - three two one five
- 8302660630 : spam call!..
- 8302674451 : eight three zero - two six seven - four four five one
- 8302713777 : eight three zero - two seven one - three seven seven seven
- 8302918151 : eight three zero - two nine one - eight one five one
- 8303139847 : spam number USA..
- 8303330730 : eight three zero - three three three - zero seven three zero
- 8303563181 : eight three zero - three five six - three one eight one
- 8303563185 : eight three zero - three five six - three one eight five
- 8303601166 : Spam....
- 8303767736 : eight three zero - three seven six - seven seven three six
- 8303767744 : eight three zero - three seven six - seven seven four four
- 8303887804 : s p a m..
- 8303918253 : eight three zero - three nine one - eight two five three
- 8304295161 : eight three zero - four two nine - five one six one
- 8304295574 : My caller id said National Police and troopers, npta. Didn't answer..
- 8304836136 : eight three zero - four eight three - six one three six
- 8304910406 : spam call..
- 8305005482 : Received a call from this number to my cell phone. They left a voicemail. Trying..
- 8305496015 : eight three zero - five four nine - six zero one five
- 8305810726 : Spam....
- 8305820562 : eight three zero - five eight two - zero five six two
- 8306237010 : eight three zero - six two three - seven zero one zero
- 8306298400 : This number called me telling me I am in danger of losing my utilities due to be..
- 8306314590 : eight three zero - six three one - four five nine zero
- 8307332550 : eight three zero - seven three three - two five five zero
- 8307897015 : eight three zero - seven eight nine - seven zero one five
- 8308421001 : eight three zero - eight four two - one zero zero one
- 8309535609 : eight three zero - nine five three - five six zero nine
- 8309713343 : eight three zero - nine seven one - three three four three
- 8309889009 : eight three zero - nine eight eight - nine zero zero nine
830 - New Braunfels
New Braunfels - 830 unknown numbers service