- 8132121008 : spam call!..
- 8132121009 : Spam....
- 8132121011 : spam call!..
- 8132121015 : spam call!..
- 8132121555 : eight one three - two one two - one five five five
- 8132121808 : eight one three - two one two - one eight zero eight
- 8132122031 : eight one three - two one two - two zero three one
- 8132124513 : eight one three - two one two - four five one three
- 8132124731 : eight one three - two one two - four seven three one
- 8132125571 : Spam....
- 8132125907 : eight one three - two one two - five nine zero seven
- 8132128693 : eight one three - two one two - eight six nine three
- 8132130947 : eight one three - two one three - zero nine four seven
- 8132191713 : eight one three - two one nine - one seven one three
- 8132220655 : eight one three - two two two - zero six five five
- 8132230800 : eight one three - two two three - zero eight zero zero
- 8132316184 : eight one three - two three one - six one eight four
- 8132522742 : eight one three - two five two - two seven four two
- 8132555867 : eight one three - two five five - five eight six seven
- 8132724183 : Spam....
- 8132787119 : eight one three - two seven eight - seven one one nine
- 8132834022 : eight one three - two eight three - four zero two two
- 8132834549 : eight one three - two eight three - four five four nine
- 8132855181 : eight one three - two eight five - five one eight one
- 8132855873 : eight one three - two eight five - five eight seven three
- 8132857112 : eight one three - two eight five - seven one one two
- 8132952886 : Spam....
- 8132957654 : eight one three - two nine five - seven six five four
- 8132980265 : eight one three - two nine eight - zero two six five
- 8133034006 : they are scammers and put apartments up for rent that they don't own hoping ..
- 8133035130 : eight one three - three zero three - five one three zero
- 8133036167 : eight one three - three zero three - six one six seven
- 8133038081 : eight one three - three zero three - eight zero eight one
- 8133057944 : eight one three - three zero five - seven nine four four
- 8133098646 : Sent me multiple texts all the same, 10 texts just like this ? dy81.site/v5..
- 8133122018 : eight one three - three one two - two zero one eight
- 8133209700 : eight one three - three two zero - nine seven zero zero
- 8133229108 : spamm..
- 8133241787 : eight one three - three two four - one seven eight seven
- 8133331397 : eight one three - three three three - one three nine seven
- 8133473764 : Spam....
- 8133669800 : eight one three - three six six - nine eight zero zero
- 8133847761 : eight one three - three eight four - seven seven six one
- 8133917530 : eight one three - three nine one - seven five three zero
- 8133935311 : eight one three - three nine three - five three one one
- 8134134332 : Yes and it calls CONSTANTLY!!!..
- 8134172274 : Spam....
- 8134251185 : eight one three - four two five - one one eight five
- 8134373046 : SPAM. No message left..
- 8134375084 : Spam....
- 8134375158 : spam n..
- 8134375168 : spam call..
- 8134375178 : eight one three - four three seven - five one seven eight
- 8134382658 : eight one three - four three eight - two six five eight
- 8134383720 : eight one three - four three eight - three seven two zero
- 8134440450 : eight one three - four four four - zero four five zero
- 8134456027 : If you are searching for a Yorkie puppy and enter your number they call. The web..
- 8134626569 : eight one three - four six two - six five six nine
- 8134927125 : spam call!..
- 8134974045 : eight one three - four nine seven - four zero four five
- 8134974655 : eight one three - four nine seven - four six five five
- 8134990360 : Spam....
- 8134990979 : eight one three - four nine nine - zero nine seven nine
- 8135017738 : eight one three - five zero one - seven seven three eight
- 8135101193 : eight one three - five one zero - one one nine three
- 8135193140 : Spam....
- 8135218026 : eight one three - five two one - eight zero two six
- 8135218704 : eight one three - five two one - eight seven zero four
- 8135226819 : spam call!..
- 8135323707 : eight one three - five three two - three seven zero seven
- 8135339614 : eight one three - five three three - nine six one four
- 8135356592 : eight one three - five three five - six five nine two
- 8135378964 : eight one three - five three seven - eight nine six four
- 8135409065 : Spam....
- 8135422781 : eight one three - five four two - two seven eight one
- 8135442392 : eight one three - five four four - two three nine two
- 8135446455 : eight one three - five four four - six four five five
- 8135636377 : eight one three - five six three - six three seven seven
- 8135648309 : eight one three - five six four - eight three zero nine
- 8135666535 : Spam....
- 8135689291 : eight one three - five six eight - nine two nine one
- 8135822213 : eight one three - five eight two - two two one three
- 8135822291 : eight one three - five eight two - two two nine one
- 8135825501 : eight one three - five eight two - five five zero one
- 8135827738 : eight one three - five eight two - seven seven three eight
- 8135841181 : eight one three - five eight four - one one eight one
- 8135842328 : eight one three - five eight four - two three two eight
- 8135843694 : Spam....
- 8135843695 : Spam....
- 8135844640 : eight one three - five eight four - four six four zero
- 8135847045 : eight one three - five eight four - seven zero four five
- 8135848887 : spam call!..
- 8135927297 : eight one three - five nine two - seven two nine seven
- 8135966100 : Spam number..
- 8136025581 : i didnt pick up a voicemail was left with music playing and then someone creepil..
- 8136070056 : eight one three - six zero seven - zero zero five six
- 8136075004 : eight one three - six zero seven - five zero zero four
- 8136075860 : eight one three - six zero seven - five eight six zero
- 8136183156 : eight one three - six one eight - three one five six
- 8136400942 : eight one three - six four zero - zero nine four two
813 - Tampa
Tampa - 813 unknown numbers service