- 8052003791 : eight zero five - two zero zero - three seven nine one
- 8052042911 : Scam. Charged my card for $124..
- 8052043360 : eight zero five - two zero four - three three six zero
- 8052109371 : eight zero five - two one zero - nine three seven one
- 8052151595 : eight zero five - two one five - one five nine five
- 8052189534 : eight zero five - two one eight - nine five three four
- 8052191197 : eight zero five - two one nine - one one nine seven
- 8052191570 : eight zero five - two one nine - one five seven zero
- 8052192018 : eight zero five - two one nine - two zero one eight
- 8052210323 : eight zero five - two two one - zero three two three
- 8052216442 : eight zero five - two two one - six four four two
- 8052224188 : eight zero five - two two two - four one eight eight
- 8052226010 : eight zero five - two two two - six zero one zero
- 8052235921 : This number is used for identity theft!!!..
- 8052254736 : eight zero five - two two five - four seven three six
- 8052304617 : Spam....
- 8052375011 : This number is associated with Credit One Bank...
- 8052375188 : eight zero five - two three seven - five one eight eight
- 8052420632 : eight zero five - two four two - zero six three two
- 8052439008 : eight zero five - two four three - nine zero zero eight
- 8052440919 : spam call!..
- 8052442426 : eight zero five - two four four - two four two six
- 8052467029 : eight zero five - two four six - seven zero two nine
- 8052487750 : eight zero five - two four eight - seven seven five zero
- 8052508321 : Spam text..
- 8052546310 : eight zero five - two five four - six three one zero
- 8052563670 : Spam....
- 8052591500 : spam call..
- 8052631767 : Spam....
- 8052653205 : This number just called my phone and I can't reset it. Any tips?..
- 8052707454 : eight zero five - two seven zero - seven four five four
- 8052738021 : eight zero five - two seven three - eight zero two one
- 8052921882 : spam call..
- 8052931385 : Received email from danielwatffhh@gmail.com posing as PayPal letting me know tha..
- 8052938339 : eight zero five - two nine three - eight three three nine
- 8053011249 : This number texted me asking me if I was who I was. I replied "Yeah, who is..
- 8053015647 : Applied online for job alerts. Lady called to confirm my zipcode for the text me..
- 8053016492 : eight zero five - three zero one - six four nine two
- 8053087602 : Person said they confirming an appointment for a AT&T install at my house for th..
- 8053104614 : eight zero five - three one zero - four six one four
- 8053161731 : eight zero five - three one six - one seven three one
- 8053218829 : I did not answer since I do not recognize the number. No messages were left on ..
- 8053293199 : eight zero five - three two nine - three one nine nine
- 8053296414 : eight zero five - three two nine - six four one four
- 8053420541 : these people are from southern cal and they are not capital one as they claim...
- 8053420587 : eight zero five - three four two - zero five eight seven
- 8053420596 : eight zero five - three four two - zero five nine six
- 8053420652 : eight zero five - three four two - zero six five two
- 8053420686 : eight zero five - three four two - zero six eight six
- 8053420689 : eight zero five - three four two - zero six eight nine
- 8053421356 : Spam....
- 8053421386 : Spam....
- 8053421411 : eight zero five - three four two - one four one one
- 8053421798 : eight zero five - three four two - one seven nine eight
- 8053545850 : Seems it is a scam. I called the number back and received a tone without a conne..
- 8053649071 : eight zero five - three six four - nine zero seven one
- 8053652450 : 805 3652450 information, please..
- 8053666092 : Spam....
- 8053690468 : eight zero five - three six nine - zero four six eight
- 8053720770 : eight zero five - three seven two - zero seven seven zero
- 8053892100 : eight zero five - three eight nine - two one zero zero
- 8053943031 : eight zero five - three nine four - three zero three one
- 8053943371 : eight zero five - three nine four - three three seven one
- 8053943496 : eight zero five - three nine four - three four nine six
- 8053953046 : eight zero five - three nine five - three zero four six
- 8053987056 : eight zero five - three nine eight - seven zero five six
- 8053988327 : eight zero five - three nine eight - eight three two seven
- 8054101902 : spam call!..
- 8054265886 : Called my daughter claiming they were from Roku and they were going to shut her ..
- 8054309163 : eight zero five - four three zero - nine one six three
- 8054360856 : eight zero five - four three six - zero eight five six
- 8054574992 : eight zero five - four five seven - four nine nine two
- 8054771083 : eight zero five - four seven seven - one zero eight three
- 8054916528 : eight zero five - four nine one - six five two eight
- 8055003352 : eight zero five - five zero zero - three three five two
- 8055057771 : eight zero five - five zero five - seven seven seven one
- 8055063411 : First Point Financial Recovery called and said I had an unpaid bill for "Bl..
- 8055072161 : eight zero five - five zero seven - two one six one
- 8055131844 : eight zero five - five one three - one eight four four
- 8055174233 : eight zero five - five one seven - four two three three
- 8055174352 : eight zero five - five one seven - four three five two
- 8055174366 : eight zero five - five one seven - four three six six
- 8055206820 : eight zero five - five two zero - six eight two zero
- 8055518826 : Spam....
- 8055536130 : eight zero five - five five three - six one three zero
- 8055677063 : spam call..
- 8055726458 : eight zero five - five seven two - six four five eight
- 8055726633 : eight zero five - five seven two - six six three three
- 8055727145 : eight zero five - five seven two - seven one four five
- 8055768345 : eight zero five - five seven six - eight three four five
- 8055768627 : eight zero five - five seven six - eight six two seven
- 8055768901 : eight zero five - five seven six - eight nine zero one
- 8056092904 : Spam....
- 8056097157 : eight zero five - six zero nine - seven one five seven
- 8056267196 : eight zero five - six two six - seven one nine six
- 8056377243 : Telemarketing They are selling medicare everyday..
- 8056377456 : Spam....
- 8056584306 : eight zero five - six five eight - four three zero six
- 8056721674 : eight zero five - six seven two - one six seven four
- 8056917562 : This number called today trying to sell furnace service and insulted us ...be ca..
805 - Oxnard
Oxnard - 805 unknown numbers service