- 6232085367 : six two three - two zero eight - five three six seven
- 6232085507 : six two three - two zero eight - five five zero seven
- 6232086095 : six two three - two zero eight - six zero nine five
- 6232219918 : six two three - two two one - nine nine one eight
- 6232224076 : six two three - two two two - four zero seven six
- 6232235225 : six two three - two two three - five two two five
- 6232235293 : six two three - two two three - five two nine three
- 6232235327 : Spam call. Wants to buy a house from me that I no longer own. I get literally hu..
- 6232236110 : Spam....
- 6232238196 : spam call!..
- 6232239669 : Static message, no words. Called back and it was requesting information about a ..
- 6232239854 : six two three - two two three - nine eight five four
- 6232266566 : six two three - two two six - six five six six
- 6232312452 : six two three - two three one - two four five two
- 6232320139 : six two three - two three two - zero one three nine
- 6232350003 : six two three - two three five - zero zero zero three
- 6232350004 : Spam....
- 6232350009 : Credit one bank..
- 6232377100 : six two three - two three seven - seven one zero zero
- 6232387310 : six two three - two three eight - seven three one zero
- 6232394813 : six two three - two three nine - four eight one three
- 6232394957 : Spam....
- 6232422774 : Spam....
- 6232445021 : six two three - two four four - five zero two one
- 6232446700 : six two three - two four four - six seven zero zero
- 6232446777 : six two three - two four four - six seven seven seven
- 6232447730 : six two three - two four four - seven seven three zero
- 6232448800 : six two three - two four four - eight eight zero zero
- 6232448900 : six two three - two four four - eight nine zero zero
- 6232467612 : six two three - two four six - seven six one two
- 6232504326 : six two three - two five zero - four three two six
- 6232524258 : Complete scumbag. Acting like an investor but just a bait and switch tactic to o..
- 6232530134 : six two three - two five three - zero one three four
- 6232533015 : six two three - two five three - three zero one five
- 6232533016 : six two three - two five three - three zero one six
- 6232536729 : six two three - two five three - six seven two nine
- 6232537304 : six two three - two five three - seven three zero four
- 6232538045 : six two three - two five three - eight zero four five
- 6232541163 : six two three - two five four - one one six three
- 6232545073 : six two three - two five four - five zero seven three
- 6232545511 : six two three - two five four - five five one one
- 6232570308 : six two three - two five seven - zero three zero eight
- 6232579545 : six two three - two five seven - nine five four five
- 6232590337 : six two three - two five nine - zero three three seven
- 6232591236 : six two three - two five nine - one two three six
- 6232630095 : six two three - two six three - zero zero nine five
- 6232636321 : six two three - two six three - six three two one
- 6232645550 : six two three - two six four - five five five zero
- 6232645559 : six two three - two six four - five five five nine
- 6232656577 : Spam....
- 6232656641 : six two three - two six five - six six four one
- 6232672970 : six two three - two six seven - two nine seven zero
- 6232678573 : six two three - two six seven - eight five seven three
- 6232693656 : Another fuck tard..
- 6232707337 : six two three - two seven zero - seven three three seven
- 6232786115 : Looks as a scam. “Failed delivery” of something non existent...
- 6232927847 : spam arama..
- 6233031431 : six two three - three zero three - one four three one
- 6233034503 : six two three - three zero three - four five zero three
- 6233035698 : Spam....
- 6233038926 : Spam... block this number!..
- 6233230080 : six two three - three two three - zero zero eight zero
- 6233234506 : spam call..
- 6233261131 : six two three - three two six - one one three one
- 6233357208 : six two three - three three five - seven two zero eight
- 6233367828 : Spam....
- 6233367839 : six two three - three three six - seven eight three nine
- 6233367843 : Its from Credit One Bank, a shady credit card company...
- 6233367952 : May be Heristage Garage Doors in Phoenix, Az????..
- 6234001237 : spam call..
- 6234007632 : six two three - four zero zero - seven six three two
- 6234008523 : This number has begun calling multiple times a day every day even on weekends an..
- 6234008988 : six two three - four zero zero - eight nine eight eight
- 6234046635 : Buy your house..
- 6234048755 : Spam....
- 6234289304 : six two three - four two eight - nine three zero four
- 6234395422 : six two three - four three nine - five four two two
- 6234396333 : six two three - four three nine - six three three three
- 6234396904 : six two three - four three nine - six nine zero four
- 6234698989 : six two three - four six nine - eight nine eight nine
- 6234715980 : Spam....
- 6234717652 : six two three - four seven one - seven six five two
- 6234718287 : spamm..
- 6234746699 : six two three - four seven four - six six nine nine
- 6234921073 : six two three - four nine two - one zero seven three
- 6234921254 : six two three - four nine two - one two five four
- 6234924206 : six two three - four nine two - four two zero six
- 6234928943 : six two three - four nine two - eight nine four three
- 6235056287 : six two three - five zero five - six two eight seven
- 6235181436 : six two three - five one eight - one four three six
- 6235226755 : six two three - five two two - six seven five five
- 6235246467 : six two three - five two four - six four six seven
- 6235260312 : Spam....
- 6235375628 : six two three - five three seven - five six two eight
- 6235524044 : spam!..
- 6235949192 : six two three - five nine four - nine one nine two
- 6236337033 : six two three - six three three - seven zero three three
- 6236337063 : Spam....
- 6236337065 : Spam....
- 6236337074 : Spam....
623 - Phoenix
Phoenix - 623 unknown numbers service