- 5132006661 : five one three - two zero zero - six six six one
- 5132015266 : Spam....
- 5132303149 : five one three - two three zero - three one four nine
- 5132307424 : five one three - two three zero - seven four two four
- 5132309133 : five one three - two three zero - nine one three three
- 5132345403 : five one three - two three four - five four zero three
- 5132577466 : five one three - two five seven - seven four six six
- 5132636285 : five one three - two six three - six two eight five
- 5132682455 : five one three - two six eight - two four five five
- 5132701316 : five one three - two seven zero - one three one six
- 5132703630 : five one three - two seven zero - three six three zero
- 5132822057 : five one three - two eight two - two zero five seven
- 5132824732 : five one three - two eight two - four seven three two
- 5132862172 : five one three - two eight six - two one seven two
- 5132966307 : Spam....
- 5132966750 : five one three - two nine six - six seven five zero
- 5132972028 : five one three - two nine seven - two zero two eight
- 5132997251 : five one three - two nine nine - seven two five one
- 5133078032 : five one three - three zero seven - eight zero three two
- 5133203063 : Anyone know this person?..
- 5133225306 : five one three - three two two - five three zero six
- 5133225532 : five one three - three two two - five five three two
- 5133235819 : five one three - three two three - five eight one nine
- 5133235890 : five one three - three two three - five eight nine zero
- 5133496877 : five one three - three four nine - six eight seven seven
- 5133514865 : five one three - three five one - four eight six five
- 5133630900 : five one three - three six three - zero nine zero zero
- 5133792137 : five one three - three seven nine - two one three seven
- 5133820960 : five one three - three eight two - zero nine six zero
- 5133925230 : five one three - three nine two - five two three zero
- 5133925247 : spam...
- 5133925809 : Survey..
- 5133925880 : Spam....
- 5133975983 : five one three - three nine seven - five nine eight three
- 5134015744 : five one three - four zero one - five seven four four
- 5134018323 : five one three - four zero one - eight three two three
- 5134099167 : five one three - four zero nine - nine one six seven
- 5134254000 : five one three - four two five - four zero zero zero
- 5134266445 : spam call!..
- 5134343143 : five one three - four three four - three one four three
- 5134344498 : Leaves a weird message where they are asking if I am there by name but never say..
- 5134366177 : five one three - four three six - six one seven seven
- 5134366524 : five one three - four three six - six five two four
- 5134368047 : five one three - four three six - eight zero four seven
- 5134402759 : five one three - four four zero - two seven five nine
- 5134402938 : five one three - four four zero - two nine three eight
- 5134405418 : five one three - four four zero - five four one eight
- 5134405648 : spam!..
- 5134408326 : five one three - four four zero - eight three two six
- 5134434348 : five one three - four four three - four three four eight
- 5134496499 : five one three - four four nine - six four nine nine
- 5134496503 : five one three - four four nine - six five zero three
- 5134499176 : Spam....
- 5134499189 : Spam....
- 5134564530 : Spam....
- 5134577703 : spam call!..
- 5134614669 : five one three - four six one - four six six nine
- 5134931616 : five one three - four nine three - one six one six
- 5134931877 : five one three - four nine three - one eight seven seven
- 5135062045 : Spam....
- 5135381827 : five one three - five three eight - one eight two seven
- 5135384092 : five one three - five three eight - four zero nine two
- 5135384574 : Spam....
- 5135384590 : five one three - five three eight - four five nine zero
- 5135401305 : spamm..
- 5135403941 : five one three - five four zero - three nine four one
- 5135491990 : I *think* this might be an emergency alert number used in clinton county, ohio..
- 5135696117 : five one three - five six nine - six one one seven
- 5135723692 : Spam....
- 5135726565 : spam call!..
- 5135727061 : Spam....
- 5135727315 : five one three - five seven two - seven three one five
- 5135827404 : five one three - five eight two - seven four zero four
- 5135862969 : Spam....
- 5135863461 : Spam....
- 5135916714 : spam 5135916714..
- 5135994722 : five one three - five nine nine - four seven two two
- 5136204064 : Women left message saying they tried to send someone out to sign documents. Does..
- 5136443516 : five one three - six four four - three five one six
- 5136443652 : five one three - six four four - three six five two
- 5136474353 : five one three - six four seven - four three five three
- 5136535116 : five one three - six five three - five one one six
- 5136552494 : five one three - six five five - two four nine four
- 5136665123 : My phone came up as Spam Call and blocked it. I looked up the number and so did ..
- 5136859112 : five one three - six eight five - nine one one two
- 5136893654 : five one three - six eight nine - three six five four
- 5136961920 : Spam....
- 5137076993 : Yes they are a nausince..
- 5137076996 : five one three - seven zero seven - six nine nine six
- 5137128013 : five one three - seven one two - eight zero one three
- 5137128149 : five one three - seven one two - eight one four nine
- 5137128496 : five one three - seven one two - eight four nine six
- 5137128610 : five one three - seven one two - eight six one zero
- 5137128664 : THIS IS A TELEMARKETER!!!..
- 5137128967 : five one three - seven one two - eight nine six seven
- 5137140678 : Spam....
- 5137145805 : five one three - seven one four - five eight zero five
- 5137145809 : five one three - seven one four - five eight zero nine
- 5137161004 : five one three - seven one six - one zero zero four
- 5137232935 : five one three - seven two three - two nine three five
513 - Cincinnati
Cincinnati - 513 unknown numbers service