- 4432001407 : four four three - two zero zero - one four zero seven
- 4432017289 : Scam want to to advertise Mt Dew decals on you car .They send you a check (that..
- 4432104527 : four four three - two one zero - four five two seven
- 4432140729 : four four three - two one four - zero seven two nine
- 4432140760 : Spam....
- 4432191556 : four four three - two one nine - one five five six
- 4432220442 : four four three - two two two - zero four four two
- 4432229255 : spam call!..
- 4432229269 : four four three - two two two - nine two six nine
- 4432229273 : four four three - two two two - nine two seven three
- 4432229278 : Spam....
- 4432238833 : Spam....
- 4432335332 : spam call..
- 4432349854 : Called. Didn't speak or spoke low. Returned automated" all agents are b..
- 4432410619 : four four three - two four one - zero six one nine
- 4432412032 : four four three - two four one - two zero three two
- 4432473916 : Miser threats..
- 4432662482 : I think this is scam..
- 4432665042 : scam. want to order stuff IF you take credit cards...
- 4432803015 : four four three - two eight zero - three zero one five
- 4432977041 : four four three - two nine seven - seven zero four one
- 4433137521 : four four three - three one three - seven five two one
- 4433172728 : four four three - three one seven - two seven two eight
- 4433380134 : four four three - three three eight - zero one three four
- 4433389779 : Spam....
- 4433455462 : four four three - three four five - five four six two
- 4433907251 : Left a strange kinda creepy text message. The punk should just come say someth..
- 4433963303 : four four three - three nine six - three three zero three
- 4433966115 : four four three - three nine six - six one one five
- 4434004314 : four four three - four zero zero - four three one four
- 4434253331 : four four three - four two five - three three three one
- 4434324384 : four four three - four three two - four three eight four
- 4434374665 : Scam caller..
- 4434374914 : spam 443 4374914..
- 4434530358 : Spam....
- 4434784439 : four four three - four seven eight - four four three nine
- 4434925669 : four four three - four nine two - five six six nine
- 4434955321 : four four three - four nine five - five three two one
- 4435218867 : four four three - five two one - eight eight six seven
- 4435300938 : four four three - five three zero - zero nine three eight
- 4435335386 : four four three - five three three - five three eight six
- 4435743374 : four four three - five seven four - three three seven four
- 4435907674 : four four three - five nine zero - seven six seven four
- 4435959349 : four four three - five nine five - nine three four nine
- 4436238492 : Spam....
- 4436494585 : four four three - six four nine - four five eight five
- 4436816789 : four four three - six eight one - six seven eight nine
- 4437072608 : four four three - seven zero seven - two six zero eight
- 4437207260 : four four three - seven two zero - seven two six zero
- 4437676255 : four four three - seven six seven - six two five five
- 4437702905 : Spam....
- 4437718643 : four four three - seven seven one - eight six four three
- 4437758262 : four four three - seven seven five - eight two six two
- 4437794966 : Scammer from Dating site Damion Roy..
- 4437952053 : four four three - seven nine five - two zero five three
- 4438338781 : four four three - eight three three - eight seven eight one
- 4438364019 : four four three - eight three six - four zero one nine
- 4438364040 : four four three - eight three six - four zero four zero
- 4438364254 : Spam....
- 4438409406 : four four three - eight four zero - nine four zero six
- 4438443561 : four four three - eight four four - three five six one
- 4438531110 : Spam....
- 4438538424 : Spam....
- 4438539947 : four four three - eight five three - nine nine four seven
- 4438539973 : Spam....
- 4438732046 : four four three - eight seven three - two zero four six
- 4438732366 : Spam....
- 4438732397 : four four three - eight seven three - two three nine seven
- 4438733100 : four four three - eight seven three - three one zero zero
- 4438818276 : four four three - eight eight one - eight two seven six
- 4438849193 : four four three - eight eight four - nine one nine three
- 4439338132 : four four three - nine three three - eight one three two
- 4439513777 : four four three - nine five one - three seven seven seven
- 4439555804 : four four three - nine five five - five eight zero four
- 4439555805 : four four three - nine five five - five eight zero five
- 4439633401 : four four three - nine six three - three four zero one
- 4439842000 : four four three - nine eight four - two zero zero zero
- 4439869457 : Spam....
- 4439987986 : four four three - nine nine eight - seven nine eight six
443 - Baltimore
Baltimore - 443 unknown numbers service