- 4242004212 : four two four - two zero zero - four two one two
- 4242024593 : four two four - two zero two - four five nine three
- 4242071474 : Spam....
- 4242071946 : four two four - two zero seven - one nine four six
- 4242080081 : four two four - two zero eight - zero zero eight one
- 4242082796 : four two four - two zero eight - two seven nine six
- 4242099113 : four two four - two zero nine - nine one one three
- 4242100071 : four two four - two one zero - zero zero seven one
- 4242107446 : four two four - two one zero - seven four four six
- 4242108298 : This number fraudulently billed my credit card 6 times using 6 different names (..
- 4242109207 : four two four - two one zero - nine two zero seven
- 4242166430 : four two four - two one six - six four three zero
- 4242169263 : Death threat scam. I immediately blocked the number...
- 4242175656 : SCAM-find out who they are through LAPD-we will all sue them-they call from hund..
- 4242177098 : four two four - two one seven - seven zero nine eight
- 4242204215 : Spam....
- 4242208086 : four two four - two two zero - eight zero eight six
- 4242208974 : por whatsapp envían mensajes de amenazas e intimidantes, envían una imagen donde..
- 4242220824 : four two four - two two two - zero eight two four
- 4242249317 : four two four - two two four - nine three one seven
- 4242281113 : four two four - two two eight - one one one three
- 4242307387 : four two four - two three zero - seven three eight seven
- 4242355881 : four two four - two three five - five eight eight one
- 4242358101 : four two four - two three five - eight one zero one
- 4242391422 : four two four - two three nine - one four two two
- 4242396757 : four two four - two three nine - six seven five seven
- 4242399490 : four two four - two three nine - nine four nine zero
- 4242409818 : four two four - two four zero - nine eight one eight
- 4242421603 : four two four - two four two - one six zero three
- 4242435805 : s p a m..
- 4242515297 : four two four - two five one - five two nine seven
- 4242528311 : Has my number associated with an address that is no longer mine. Threatening to ..
- 4242608069 : four two four - two six zero - eight zero six nine
- 4242655970 : Spam....
- 4242656756 : four two four - two six five - six seven five six
- 4242660925 : four two four - two six six - zero nine two five
- 4242836198 : Scammer- poses as a the homeowner of a house listed for sale. Posts legitimate r..
- 4242846123 : four two four - two eight four - six one two three
- 4242847799 : spam call..
- 4242871734 : four two four - two eight seven - one seven three four
- 4242980699 : four two four - two nine eight - zero six nine nine
- 4243051996 : Spam....
- 4243131789 : four two four - three one three - one seven eight nine
- 4243135476 : four two four - three one three - five four seven six
- 4243174359 : spam call!..
- 4243174380 : I did not get a telephone call, but I got an email sent to me from this iCart Se..
- 4243341607 : four two four - three three four - one six zero seven
- 4243349559 : four two four - three three four - nine five five nine
- 4243400959 : Spam....
- 4243480830 : four two four - three four eight - zero eight three zero
- 4243486437 : four two four - three four eight - six four three seven
- 4243511227 : four two four - three five one - one two two seven
- 4243591605 : four two four - three five nine - one six zero five
- 4243702990 : spam call..
- 4243720987 : four two four - three seven two - zero nine eight seven
- 4243774302 : spam call..
- 4243795375 : four two four - three seven nine - five three seven five
- 4243797186 : four two four - three seven nine - seven one eight six
- 4243836306 : four two four - three eight three - six three zero six
- 4244002538 : four two four - four zero zero - two five three eight
- 4244012495 : Spam....
- 4244055900 : This phone number 1-424-405-5900 is a Scam Caller. Do not give any information t..
- 4244141085 : four two four - four one four - one zero eight five
- 4244245175 : Another robo call that starts with "Hello James". These REALLY piss m..
- 4244352550 : four two four - four three five - two five five zero
- 4244655037 : four two four - four six five - five zero three seven
- 4244880545 : four two four - four eight eight - zero five four five
- 4245012595 : Spam....
- 4245012601 : four two four - five zero one - two six zero one
- 4245319400 : four two four - five three one - nine four zero zero
- 4245351164 : four two four - five three five - one one six four
- 4245351165 : I have gotten several calls from this number but don't answer it. The one ti..
- 4245368385 : four two four - five three six - eight three eight five
- 4246441470 : four two four - six four four - one four seven zero
- 4246455906 : Spam....
- 4246660201 : I agree with the up comment: someone pretending to be Charlie Hunnam .....
- 4247385937 : four two four - seven three eight - five nine three seven
- 4247722884 : four two four - seven seven two - two eight eight four
- 4247813476 : four two four - seven eight one - three four seven six
- 4247814810 : four two four - seven eight one - four eight one zero
- 4248886391 : Spam....
424 - Los Angeles
Los Angeles - 424 unknown numbers service