- 3162024413 : three one six - two zero two - four four one three
- 3162156595 : three one six - two one five - six five nine five
- 3162194099 : American Red Cross asking for a donation...
- 3162234491 : three one six - two two three - four four nine one
- 3162268574 : Spam....
- 3162675267 : three one six - two six seven - five two six seven
- 3163134540 : three one six - three one three - four five four zero
- 3163150019 : three one six - three one five - zero zero one nine
- 3163300558 : three one six - three three zero - zero five five eight
- 3163484702 : three one six - three four eight - four seven zero two
- 3163950694 : I don't know yet. It was strange that this number asked I text it but came f..
- 3164441765 : three one six - four four four - one seven six five
- 3164486700 : They left a message but I don't know how they got my number. I'm about t..
- 3164529813 : This number called me at 6:30 AM..
- 3165121910 : three one six - five one two - one nine one zero
- 3165302551 : three one six - five three zero - two five five one
- 3165538884 : three one six - five five three - eight eight eight four
- 3166212837 : three one six - six two one - two eight three seven
- 3166613001 : three one six - six six one - three zero zero one
- 3166656434 : three one six - six six five - six four three four
- 3167429401 : three one six - seven four two - nine four zero one
- 3167466694 : Spam....
- 3167470045 : Spam....
- 3167516344 : three one six - seven five one - six three four four
- 3168692397 : three one six - eight six nine - two three nine seven
- 3168692452 : three one six - eight six nine - two four five two
- 3168806831 : The devil was jealous he hack this number for use fraud to throw the black man u..
- 3169742207 : Spam....
- 3169742657 : three one six - nine seven four - two six five seven
- 3169993085 : three one six - nine nine nine - three zero eight five
316 - Wichita
Wichita - 316 unknown numbers service