- 3152010183 : Spam....
- 3152010189 : Spam....
- 3152032849 : Scammer. Don't pick up...
- 3152038486 : also received threatening call with graphic images and personal details. Did any..
- 3152038857 : three one five - two zero three - eight eight five seven
- 3152074093 : three one five - two zero seven - four zero nine three
- 3152079076 : three one five - two zero seven - nine zero seven six
- 3152106622 : three one five - two one zero - six six two two
- 3152160434 : three one five - two one six - zero four three four
- 3152160975 : three one five - two one six - zero nine seven five
- 3152165353 : three one five - two one six - five three five three
- 3152175654 : They called me said I was aproved for $10,000. They gave me a loan number and th..
- 3152264831 : three one five - two two six - four eight three one
- 3152273258 : three one five - two two seven - three two five eight
- 3152310530 : three one five - two three one - zero five three zero
- 3152328237 : three one five - two three two - eight two three seven
- 3152328257 : three one five - two three two - eight two five seven
- 3152328527 : three one five - two three two - eight five two seven
- 3152390162 : A person demanding $2500 in 24 hr or they will kill family. They have personal ..
- 3152394098 : three one five - two three nine - four zero nine eight
- 3152569480 : Possible bill collector? Texted looking to "discuss" something with a ..
- 3152577773 : This guy is a scammer. He will send gory photos, he will say his is cartel. Bla,..
- 3152578203 : I got the same threatening pictures and threats to kill my family if I didn'..
- 3152585851 : three one five - two five eight - five eight five one
- 3152734029 : three one five - two seven three - four zero two nine
- 3152763444 : three one five - two seven six - three four four four
- 3152793440 : three one five - two seven nine - three four four zero
- 3152809010 : Spam....
- 3152809119 : three one five - two eight zero - nine one one nine
- 3152819511 : Spam....
- 3152854733 : three one five - two eight five - four seven three three
- 3152938324 : three one five - two nine three - eight three two four
- 3152938424 : three one five - two nine three - eight four two four
- 3153036557 : three one five - three zero three - six five five seven
- 3153063187 : three one five - three zero six - three one eight seven
- 3153080273 : spam call!..
- 3153080624 : three one five - three zero eight - zero six two four
- 3153096902 : three one five - three zero nine - six nine zero two
- 3153134536 : three one five - three one three - four five three six
- 3153148973 : three one five - three one four - eight nine seven three
- 3153207020 : spam call!..
- 3153238257 : three one five - three two three - eight two five seven
- 3153308558 : three one five - three three zero - eight five five eight
- 3153308560 : This is a generic Uber number. This was most likely your Uber delivery person tr..
- 3153308564 : Spam....
- 3153332650 : three one five - three three three - two six five zero
- 3153621667 : spam call!..
- 3153622566 : three one five - three six two - two five six six
- 3153889691 : three one five - three eight eight - nine six nine one
- 3153957827 : three one five - three nine five - seven eight two seven
- 3154091078 : three one five - four zero nine - one zero seven eight
- 3154288527 : three one five - four two eight - eight five two seven
- 3154642500 : three one five - four six four - two five zero zero
- 3154814281 : three one five - four eight one - four two eight one
- 3155086389 : three one five - five zero eight - six three eight nine
- 3155087830 : theif trying to get money from you or you be arrested..
- 3155122393 : three one five - five one two - two three nine three
- 3155234601 : three one five - five two three - four six zero one
- 3155280258 : three one five - five two eight - zero two five eight
- 3155313312 : three one five - five three one - three three one two
- 3155358674 : three one five - five three five - eight six seven four
- 3155386261 : three one five - five three eight - six two six one
- 3155410536 : spam call!..
- 3155491007 : three one five - five four nine - one zero zero seven
- 3155620510 : three one five - five six two - zero five one zero
- 3155629988 : three one five - five six two - nine nine eight eight
- 3155644052 : three one five - five six four - four zero five two
- 3155656914 : This phone number called on a Sunday morning. Wouldn't not tell me who was c..
- 3155662811 : three one five - five six six - two eight one one
- 3155757750 : parole officer..
- 3155858501 : three one five - five eight five - eight five zero one
- 3155957110 : spam call!..
- 3155963187 : three one five - five nine six - three one eight seven
- 3155963870 : three one five - five nine six - three eight seven zero
- 3156003116 : spam call!..
- 3156162750 : three one five - six one six - two seven five zero
- 3156182470 : three one five - six one eight - two four seven zero
- 3156360977 : Spam....
- 3156365879 : three one five - six three six - five eight seven nine
- 3156365972 : three one five - six three six - five nine seven two
- 3156404014 : three one five - six four zero - four zero one four
- 3156404358 : Spam....
- 3156404408 : Callin / Hangup when sent to voicemail...
- 3156602297 : email/text scam. Someone looking for you to help them in an emergency, and send ..
- 3156704994 : Spam....
- 3156904004 : Spam....
- 3157046136 : three one five - seven zero four - six one three six
- 3157244022 : three one five - seven two four - four zero two two
- 3157273445 : three one five - seven two seven - three four four five
- 3157535999 : No message left. Likely robocall...
- 3157563891 : three one five - seven five six - three eight nine one
- 3157571343 : three one five - seven five seven - one three four three
- 3157779900 : Spam....
- 3158093339 : three one five - eight zero nine - three three three nine
- 3158135811 : three one five - eight one three - five eight one one
- 3158170205 : three one five - eight one seven - zero two zero five
- 3158172076 : three one five - eight one seven - two zero seven six
- 3158293843 : three one five - eight two nine - three eight four three
- 3158490467 : three one five - eight four nine - zero four six seven
- 3158492752 : three one five - eight four nine - two seven five two
315 - Syracuse
Syracuse - 315 unknown numbers service