- 2532003565 : two five three - two zero zero - three five six five
- 2532004538 : two five three - two zero zero - four five three eight
- 2532015928 : The person said they were from a bank yet that is not the customer service numbe..
- 2532090376 : it said all my calls were forwarded to this number..
- 2532100117 : two five three - two one zero - zero one one seven
- 2532103591 : two five three - two one zero - three five nine one
- 2532158782 : £9 charged for a call my husband did not make. Spent almost all day yesterday t..
- 2532184094 : two five three - two one eight - four zero nine four
- 2532190261 : +12532190261 This number come according to dial *#62# apparently my calls go f..
- 2532403725 : This numbered called me but I did not answer. They left a message by accident be..
- 2532416037 : two five three - two four one - six zero three seven
- 2532492507 : two five three - two four nine - two five zero seven
- 2532566379 : two five three - two five six - six three seven nine
- 2532583365 : Spam....
- 2532624771 : two five three - two six two - four seven seven one
- 2532626876 : Spam....
- 2532640759 : two five three - two six four - zero seven five nine
- 2532659418 : two five three - two six five - nine four one eight
- 2532681123 : two five three - two six eight - one one two three
- 2532701060 : two five three - two seven zero - one zero six zero
- 2532701905 : Caller ID said “Research WA” and the identified themselves as “ADG Research” com..
- 2532923270 : two five three - two nine two - three two seven zero
- 2532932554 : I got the same message as the Ontario poster above. He then said he wanted my bi..
- 2533003023 : two five three - three zero zero - three zero two three
- 2533195863 : Called it back and says it’s market research?..
- 2533217361 : Spam....
- 2533305694 : two five three - three three zero - five six nine four
- 2533335773 : Spam....
- 2533338672 : two five three - three three three - eight six seven two
- 2533367161 : two five three - three three six - seven one six one
- 2533372401 : two five three - three three seven - two four zero one
- 2533385159 : two five three - three three eight - five one five nine
- 2533422677 : This number called and left no message. Caller id provided no information...
- 2533434046 : two five three - three four three - four zero four six
- 2533460247 : two five three - three four six - zero two four seven
- 2533546727 : two five three - three five four - six seven two seven
- 2533565647 : Don't know who this is. Is it a collection agency?..
- 2533566503 : two five three - three five six - six five zero three
- 2533582575 : two five three - three five eight - two five seven five
- 2533619214 : Spam....
- 2533639897 : two five three - three six three - nine eight nine seven
- 2533666567 : two five three - three six six - six five six seven
- 2533668645 : two five three - three six six - eight six four five
- 2533722156 : Some prostitute (well, she didn't mention any $ payment) so I guess just a r..
- 2533758173 : Called said they were a dept collector..
- 2533935219 : two five three - three nine three - five two one nine
- 2534001388 : two five three - four zero zero - one three eight eight
- 2534039399 : Spam....
- 2534264100 : Spam....
- 2534328975 : two five three - four three two - eight nine seven five
- 2534788055 : spam number!..
- 2534991024 : two five three - four nine nine - one zero two four
- 2534998127 : two five three - four nine nine - eight one two seven
- 2535550926 : two five three - five five five - zero nine two six
- 2535617498 : Spam....
- 2535835000 : two five three - five eight three - five zero zero zero
- 2535903704 : two five three - five nine zero - three seven zero four
- 2536173952 : two five three - six one seven - three nine five two
- 2536500841 : I think this is a robo call to see if the number they are calling is a valid one..
- 2536522123 : This number claims to be a law firm, saying they are collecting on a delinquent ..
- 2536564773 : two five three - six five six - four seven seven three
- 2536828865 : two five three - six eight two - eight eight six five
- 2537094072 : Spam....
- 2537320582 : Called 7pm did not leave message..
- 2537665381 : two five three - seven six six - five three eight one
- 2537786606 : two five three - seven seven eight - six six zero six
- 2537930214 : Spam....
- 2538006710 : spam..
- 2538045356 : two five three - eight zero four - five three five six
- 2538678442 : two five three - eight six seven - eight four four two
- 2538801840 : this number belongs to a whore who sells her body for money, but she is contagio..
- 2538860262 : two five three - eight eight six - zero two six two
- 2539042735 : two five three - nine zero four - two seven three five
- 2539878553 : Spam....
253 - Tacoma
Tacoma - 253 unknown numbers service