- 2292017829 : two two nine - two zero one - seven eight two nine
- 2292070298 : Spam....
- 2292104254 : two two nine - two one zero - four two five four
- 2292106102 : two two nine - two one zero - six one zero two
- 2292128865 : They texted me - all they said was my first name - spelled exactly right and it’..
- 2292168646 : Nobody answer..
- 2292226060 : two two nine - two two two - six zero six zero
- 2292281000 : two two nine - two two eight - one zero zero zero
- 2292304824 : two two nine - two three zero - four eight two four
- 2292344166 : spam call!..
- 2292564035 : Inmates calling..
- 2292588979 : two two nine - two five eight - eight nine seven nine
- 2292588997 : Do not answer this call, it records you says yes for authorization of medicine o..
- 2292611860 : two two nine - two six one - one eight six zero
- 2292611865 : two two nine - two six one - one eight six five
- 2292990148 : two two nine - two nine nine - zero one four eight
- 2293102191 : Keep calling no voice message ...
- 2293439883 : two two nine - three four three - nine eight eight three
- 2293519412 : Unknown caller, didn't answer. No message left. (Please leave comments about..
- 2293529412 : two two nine - three five two - nine four one two
- 2293540356 : two two nine - three five four - zero three five six
- 2293633082 : Spam....
- 2293793814 : No one said anything when I answered...
- 2293872423 : two two nine - three eight seven - two four two three
- 2293894757 : spam call!..
- 2293982297 : two two nine - three nine eight - two two nine seven
- 2294009887 : two two nine - four zero zero - nine eight eight seven
- 2294066351 : two two nine - four zero six - six three five one
- 2294304712 : Spam....
- 2294313812 : two two nine - four three one - three eight one two
- 2294364671 : two two nine - four three six - four six seven one
- 2294414629 : two two nine - four four one - four six two nine
- 2294615627 : two two nine - four six one - five six two seven
- 2294711190 : two two nine - four seven one - one one nine zero
- 2295158584 : Spam call..
- 2295186462 : two two nine - five one eight - six four six two
- 2295203320 : two two nine - five two zero - three three two zero
- 2295444519 : Microsoft security scam - robocall..
- 2295457712 : ID as Scam Likely..
- 2296007496 : Spam....
- 2298087582 : two two nine - eight zero eight - seven five eight two
- 2299998445 : two two nine - nine nine nine - eight four four five
229 - Albany
Albany - 229 unknown numbers service