- 2232019031 : two two three - two zero one - nine zero three one
- 2232019950 : two two three - two zero one - nine nine five zero
- 2232031833 : two two three - two zero three - one eight three three
- 2232036689 : two two three - two zero three - six six eight nine
- 2232045017 : two two three - two zero four - five zero one seven
- 2232047872 : spam call..
- 2232054036 : two two three - two zero five - four zero three six
- 2232072822 : two two three - two zero seven - two eight two two
- 2232080413 : two two three - two zero eight - zero four one three
- 2232219071 : two two three - two two one - nine zero seven one
- 2232219099 : two two three - two two one - nine zero nine nine
- 2232219878 : Number is disconnected when I called back on a different phone - this one threat..
- 2232219994 : Spam....
- 2232220230 : two two three - two two two - zero two three zero
- 2232222268 : two two three - two two two - two two six eight
- 2234564380 : two two three - four five six - four three eight zero
- 2234564381 : Texted picture to cell phone number in canada. Thanks for the extra phone data c..
- 2236209115 : two two three - six two zero - nine one one five
- 2238880799 : two two three - eight eight eight - zero seven nine nine
223 - Lancaster
Lancaster - 223 unknown numbers service