- 2132004008 : two one three - two zero zero - four zero zero eight
- 2132005449 : two one three - two zero zero - five four four nine
- 2132052912 : two one three - two zero five - two nine one two
- 2132055685 : Spam....
- 2132056039 : two one three - two zero five - six zero three nine
- 2132056647 : This number called me 5 times starting just before 9am (EST) and called back eve..
- 2132057585 : Called me 3 times within an hour no message left. Time to block..
- 2132124550 : spam call!..
- 2132129027 : two one three - two one two - nine zero two seven
- 2132181529 : when I star 67 and call this number back it's some kind of a phony conversat..
- 2132183032 : Appointment setter for home solar system, Rea, is who I spoke to. Very polite, p..
- 2132183520 : Spam....
- 2132183554 : spam call!..
- 2132186050 : Spam....
- 2132210572 : two one three - two two one - zero five seven two
- 2132226143 : spam call!..
- 2132321398 : two one three - two three two - one three nine eight
- 2132339442 : spam call!..
- 2132385540 : They had some information on my business but not all of it was right. Sadly, I ..
- 2132386552 : Spam....
- 2132386781 : Spam....
- 2132452179 : two one three - two four five - two one seven nine
- 2132464887 : two one three - two four six - four eight eight seven
- 2132554291 : two one three - two five five - four two nine one
- 2132578256 : two one three - two five seven - eight two five six
- 2132593097 : spam..
- 2132601721 : Call from 2132601721, where caller stated that there was a 'complaint' a..
- 2132621477 : two one three - two six two - one four seven seven
- 2132621904 : spam number 213 2621904..
- 2132675767 : Spam....
- 2132678648 : two one three - two six seven - eight six four eight
- 2132701270 : two one three - two seven zero - one two seven zero
- 2132701911 : two one three - two seven zero - one nine one one
- 2132755624 : two one three - two seven five - five six two four
- 2132772462 : two one three - two seven seven - two four six two
- 2132791473 : two one three - two seven nine - one four seven three
- 2132793343 : two one three - two seven nine - three three four three
- 2132798161 : two one three - two seven nine - eight one six one
- 2132829504 : two one three - two eight two - nine five zero four
- 2132895307 : two one three - two eight nine - five three zero seven
- 2132906560 : two one three - two nine zero - six five six zero
- 2132934554 : two one three - two nine three - four five five four
- 2132936329 : two one three - two nine three - six three two nine
- 2132970817 : Did not answer. Called them back. Nonprofit helping people get vaccinated. Seems..
- 2133062548 : two one three - three zero six - two five four eight
- 2133080641 : two one three - three zero eight - zero six four one
- 2133140021 : two one three - three one four - zero zero two one
- 2133140037 : spam call!..
- 2133166410 : Got a voicemail from a person calling themself “Don” who addressed me with the w..
- 2133183485 : Bitcoin scam..
- 2133191131 : two one three - three one nine - one one three one
- 2133195302 : Not sure if they called me but fir sure they text me I did not like whst ws br..
- 2133196233 : We got a call from this number this morning. Older man deep voice. Told him I wa..
- 2133196501 : two one three - three one nine - six five zero one
- 2133196526 : two one three - three one nine - six five two six
- 2133202656 : two one three - three two zero - two six five six
- 2133202789 : two one three - three two zero - two seven eight nine
- 2133204860 : two one three - three two zero - four eight six zero
- 2133207734 : two one three - three two zero - seven seven three four
- 2133252422 : two one three - three two five - two four two two
- 2133284477 : two one three - three two eight - four four seven seven
- 2133284817 : two one three - three two eight - four eight one seven
- 2133286055 : Told me I had a password but I never requested contact from this number...
- 2133302722 : two one three - three three zero - two seven two two
- 2133346232 : spam call!..
- 2133346236 : spam call!..
- 2133346247 : spam call!..
- 2133388490 : two one three - three three eight - eight four nine zero
- 2133401409 : two one three - three four zero - one four zero nine
- 2133401417 : This number is registred to an account My Signal who contacts me saying he is El..
- 2133406419 : two one three - three four zero - six four one nine
- 2133440344 : two one three - three four four - zero three four four
- 2133440793 : spam..
- 2133475380 : Spam....
- 2133475682 : Spam....
- 2133479152 : two one three - three four seven - nine one five two
- 2133487584 : Spam....
- 2133548355 : two one three - three five four - eight three five five
- 2133557689 : two one three - three five five - seven six eight nine
- 2133688734 : two one three - three six eight - eight seven three four
- 2133701270 : Credit One Bank..
- 2133720857 : two one three - three seven two - zero eight five seven
- 2133720947 : two one three - three seven two - zero nine four seven
- 2133734253 : two one three - three seven three - four two five three
- 2133742301 : Spam....
- 2133762144 : Spam....
- 2133771859 : two one three - three seven seven - one eight five nine
- 2133775163 : two one three - three seven seven - five one six three
- 2133781068 : two one three - three seven eight - one zero six eight
- 2133781089 : Spam....
- 2133803140 : two one three - three eight zero - three one four zero
- 2133944635 : two one three - three nine four - four six three five
- 2133972193 : two one three - three nine seven - two one nine three
- 2133976328 : two one three - three nine seven - six three two eight
- 2134017723 : two one three - four zero one - seven seven two three
- 2134020432 : two one three - four zero two - zero four three two
- 2134087365 : two one three - four zero eight - seven three six five
- 2134102636 : spam call!..
- 2134124020 : two one three - four one two - four zero two zero
- 2134182063 : two one three - four one eight - two zero six three
213 - Los Angeles
Los Angeles - 213 unknown numbers service