Phone Number Search

Australia is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • (02) 4407 0089
    - It came up as My Kindness Project. I didn't answer and no message was left.
  • (07) 3193 7730
    - Одурачивает молодых девушек, пишет в вконтакте, представляется Доктор Андрей Андреев из Австралии, типа скоро приедет в Россию, чтоб жить тут и открывать свои клиники. Потом присылает письма-простыни на эл почту, сгенерированные эл интеллектом, а в вконтакте уже не отзывается. В письме на вопрос чей Крым не ответил🤣 Однозначно, мошенники.
  • (03) 7049 9227
    - Clearly a scam call. Pause on answering and Asian femaile voice. Hungup.
  • (02) 8093 1134
    - Call from Westpac Equipment Finance - Totally legitimate.
  • (02) 8552 8788
    - Scam call claiming to be Telstra wanting your info. A robotic voice was in the other end
  • (03) 7051 4071
    - Scam company doesn't exist
  • 0434 782 043
    - It was in my google recovery phone number and I don't have no clue about this number so I deleted it and report them
  • 0436 309 163
    - Female Australian accent trying to collect personal and banking information. Identify theft.
  • (03) 7051 3928
    - I only pick up phones on my contact list or state, victoria sorry
  • (03) 7044 9906
    - Called but did not leave a message
  • 0480 679 130
    - It was automatically classified as spam by Vodafone's security system.
  • (02) 9184 3890
    - i answered and the call was immediately terminated
  • (02) 9666 4950
    - just asking a personal question about my holiday ????
  • 0430 078 082
    - Did not leave message. Calling my number non stop
  • 0447 148 446
    - This number called me 3 times. First call was +61147148446, then 0147148446 twice. So annoying.