- 03332125033 : zero three three - three two one - two five zero three three
- 03332126280 : zero three three - three two one - two six two eight zero
- 03332127367 : There was just background music playing but nobody spoke so I put the phone down..
- 03332127941 : zero three three - three two one - two seven nine four one
- 03332127980 : zero three three - three two one - two seven nine eight zero
- 03332128004 : The Lady on the phone said it was to with the kitchen appliances I had the cover..
- 03332129046 : zero three three - three two one - two nine zero four six
- 03332129367 : zero three three - three two one - two nine three six seven
- 03332200232 : zero three three - three two two - zero zero two three two
- 03332202677 : Spam....
- 03332209274 : zero three three - three two two - zero nine two seven four
- 03332220078 : zero three three - three two two - two zero zero seven eight
- 03332221060 : zero three three - three two two - two one zero six zero
- 03332313312 : zero three three - three two three - one three three one two
- 03332341552 : zero three three - three two three - four one five five two
- 03332342362 : zero three three - three two three - four two three six two
- 03332343659 : zero three three - three two three - four three six five nine
- 03332405286 : zero three three - three two four - zero five two eight six
- 03332406217 : zero three three - three two four - zero six two one seven
- 03332408317 : zero three three - three two four - zero eight three one seven
- 03332414417 : zero three three - three two four - one four four one seven
- 03332422177 : Looking for someone we knew but who doesn't live at our address......
- 03332422197 : zero three three - three two four - two two one nine seven
- 03332422517 : zero three three - three two four - two two five one seven
- 03332422551 : zero three three - three two four - two two five five one
- 03332422593 : zero three three - three two four - two two five nine three
- 03332422599 : zero three three - three two four - two two five nine nine
- 03332423410 : zero three three - three two four - two three four one zero
- 03332423681 : zero three three - three two four - two three six eight one
- 03332423878 : zero three three - three two four - two three eight seven eight
- 03332427934 : Spam....
- 03332470226 : zero three three - three two four - seven zero two two six
- 03332545674 : zero three three - three two five - four five six seven four
- 03333030010 : zero three three - three three zero - three zero zero one zero
- 03333030945 : zero three three - three three zero - three zero nine four five
- 03333033002 : zero three three - three three zero - three three zero zero two
- 03333034118 : Tried scamming my elderly mother do not engage with the caller...
- 03333034159 : spam!..
- 03333034381 : Asking to send a deposit of 100 for a loan..
- 03333034408 : zero three three - three three zero - three four four zero eight
- 03333034472 : zero three three - three three zero - three four four seven two
- 03333034511 : zero three three - three three zero - three four five one one
- 03333034545 : spam..
- 03333034725 : zero three three - three three zero - three four seven two five
- 03333034772 : spam 03333 034772..
- 03333034921 : spam!..
- 03333034990 : Just had this call today and a 2nd one just 1 min. after. I quickly searched thi..
- 03333040441 : zero three three - three three zero - four zero four four one
- 03333041066 : zero three three - three three zero - four one zero six six
- 03333042874 : zero three three - three three zero - four two eight seven four
- 03333048064 : Tell all..
- 03333059021 : spam!..
- 03333074788 : zero three three - three three zero - seven four seven eight eight
- 03333137900 : zero three three - three three one - three seven nine zero zero
- 03333201952 : zero three three - three three two - zero one nine five two
- 03333206862 : zero three three - three three two - zero six eight six two
- 03333206897 : zero three three - three three two - zero six eight nine seven
- 03333215301 : zero three three - three three two - one five three zero one
- 03333216062 : Spam....
- 03333218011 : zero three three - three three two - one eight zero one one
- 03333218129 : zero three three - three three two - one eight one two nine
- 03333218360 : zero three three - three three two - one eight three six zero
- 03333218817 : zero three three - three three two - one eight eight one seven
- 03333219636 : zero three three - three three two - one nine six three six
- 03333219800 : zero three three - three three two - one nine eight zero zero
- 03333219801 : zero three three - three three two - one nine eight zero one
- 03333219956 : zero three three - three three two - one nine nine five six
- 03333324220 : zero three three - three three three - two four two two zero
- 03333381001 : No a number I recognised , didnt answer . No message left ...
- 03333381014 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero one four
- 03333381015 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero one five
- 03333381017 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero one seven
- 03333381019 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero one nine
- 03333381020 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero two zero
- 03333381040 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero four zero
- 03333381041 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero four one
- 03333381063 : Spam....
- 03333381064 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero six four
- 03333381076 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero seven six
- 03333381079 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero seven nine
- 03333381083 : zero three three - three three three - eight one zero eight three
- 03333381084 : spam!..
- 03333389216 : zero three three - three three three - eight nine two one six
- 03333392221 : zero three three - three three three - nine two two two one
- 03333392719 : No message. Unknown no...
- 03333395886 : zero three three - three three three - nine five eight eight six
- 03333396032 : zero three three - three three three - nine six zero three two
- 03333440000 : This number called gave a phone number said something about a message gave optio..
- 03333440541 : zero three three - three three four - four zero five four one
- 03333441730 : Called 3 times in last month stating it was "Richard from Broadband marketi..
- 03333442816 : zero three three - three three four - four two eight one six
- 03333443373 : zero three three - three three four - four three three seven three
- 03333443766 : spam!..
- 03333443979 : zero three three - three three four - four three nine seven nine
- 03333444109 : Energy company...
- 03333444202 : zero three three - three three four - four four two zero two
- 03333444608 : Life Insurance Scam Claimed to be affiliated with multiple well known banking, ..
- 03333444622 : zero three three - three three four - four four six two two
- 03333444725 : zero three three - three three four - four four seven two five
- 03333445393 : zero three three - three three four - four five three nine three
33 - Non-geographic numbers
Non-geographic numbers - 33 unknown numbers service, 6. page