- 6132080714 : spam!..
- 6132081408 : Spam....
- 6132091910 : six one three - two zero nine - one nine one zero
- 6132094028 : Canada spam..
- 6132098440 : Conservative Party of Canada, fundraising call...
- 6132098920 : spam!..
- 6132099011 : six one three - two zero nine - nine zero one one
- 6132124426 : They never respond when u answer and then they hung up..
- 6132124458 : This is a debt collector. They are calling a business for someone who works her..
- 6132124461 : Spam....
- 6132124465 : Spam....
- 6132124466 : No good. Pur it on your block list..
- 6132162471 : six one three - two one six - two four seven one
- 6132213100 : Spam....
- 6132224948 : six one three - two two two - four nine four eight
- 6132242232 : six one three - two two four - two two three two
- 6132289211 : six one three - two two eight - nine two one one
- 6132301304 : I got a call too from this number a woman picked up when l called back and she s..
- 6132324205 : six one three - two three two - four two zero five
- 6132424577 : six one three - two four two - four five seven seven
- 6132430997 : six one three - two four three - zero nine nine seven
- 6132525864 : six one three - two five two - five eight six four
- 6132537777 : six one three - two five three - seven seven seven seven
- 6132586440 : six one three - two five eight - six four four zero
- 6132612235 : six one three - two six one - two two three five
- 6132660681 : six one three - two six six - zero six eight one
- 6132943587 : six one three - two nine four - three five eight seven
- 6133160158 : spam..
- 6133192339 : Already had this number blocked, but they can still leave a message, listening t..
- 6133201781 : six one three - three two zero - one seven eight one
- 6133214243 : six one three - three two one - four two four three
- 6133317688 : six one three - three three one - seven six eight eight
- 6133325094 : six one three - three three two - five zero nine four
- 6133496088 : six one three - three four nine - six zero eight eight
- 6133559258 : spam!..
- 6133611091 : Spam....
- 6133666483 : They call numerous times over the last week I don’t answer and they don’t leave ..
- 6133675056 : six one three - three six seven - five zero five six
- 6133689688 : spam call..
- 6133689727 : Yes.the number called me too,what is the number belonging to? It’s a home phone ..
- 6133689729 : the person NEEDS to say what is the actual call and for what from whom ..person,..
- 6133689752 : spam call..
- 6133743774 : six one three - three seven four - three seven seven four
- 6133844664 : six one three - three eight four - four six six four
- 6133890777 : six one three - three eight nine - zero seven seven seven
- 6133893481 : Spam....
- 6133913144 : No message left even though I didn't answer...
- 6133946931 : six one three - three nine four - six nine three one
- 6134168250 : spam!..
- 6134173886 : six one three - four one seven - three eight eight six
- 6134238088 : six one three - four two three - eight zero eight eight
- 6134337134 : six one three - four three three - seven one three four
- 6134470316 : six one three - four four seven - zero three one six
- 6134628334 : yes, this guy called me to deliver my no cost legal well kit and the child safe ..
- 6134829900 : six one three - four eight two - nine nine zero zero
- 6134970121 : gregory ethan scammer..
- 6135054315 : Spam....
- 6135196718 : I think this is a spam call, I answered and it sounded like someone was chewing ..
- 6135452607 : six one three - five four five - two six zero seven
- 6135475552 : six one three - five four seven - five five five two
- 6135510706 : six one three - five five one - zero seven zero six
- 6135520521 : Spam. Went to voicemail and didn't leave a message..
- 6135549931 : six one three - five five four - nine nine three one
- 6135654065 : Spam!..
- 6135675056 : six one three - five six seven - five zero five six
- 6135836113 : Missed call..
- 6135962040 : six one three - five nine six - two zero four zero
- 6135993426 : six one three - five nine nine - three four two six
- 6136040572 : It is a recorded appointment reminder that seems to be used by numerous doctor..
- 6136046342 : six one three - six zero four - six three four two
- 6136048570 : Market research survey..
- 6136083654 : six one three - six zero eight - three six five four
- 6136084955 : six one three - six zero eight - four nine five five
- 6136088745 : six one three - six zero eight - eight seven four five
- 6136123520 : six one three - six one two - three five two zero
- 6136182830 : Netflix SCAM text message...
- 6136273699 : six one three - six two seven - three six nine nine
- 6136278425 : six one three - six two seven - eight four two five
- 6136278479 : six one three - six two seven - eight four seven nine
- 6136442309 : six one three - six four four - two three zero nine
- 6136556820 : Spam....
- 6136613525 : six one three - six six one - three five two five
- 6136642309 : six one three - six six four - two three zero nine
- 6136860257 : six one three - six eight six - zero two five seven
- 6136864334 : six one three - six eight six - four three three four
- 6136864362 : IFC Markets customer service uses this number..
- 6136881129 : six one three - six eight eight - one one two nine
- 6136898631 : Timeshare in Collingwood bs...uses multiple different numbers to call from so it..
- 6136899176 : Caller pretended I had asked information on a website. He called at 915pm. Could..
- 6136913243 : yes no idea who if aas..
- 6136913251 : six one three - six nine one - three two five one
- 6136916768 : Spam....
- 6136930262 : six one three - six nine three - zero two six two
- 6136989014 : This person called me asking how many rooms I have in my home... this guy is so ..
- 6136991665 : six one three - six nine nine - one six six five
- 6136996647 : Spam....
- 6137000758 : six one three - seven zero zero - zero seven five eight
- 6137004338 : six one three - seven zero zero - four three three eight
- 6137012555 : six one three - seven zero one - two five five five
- 6137019355 : six one three - seven zero one - nine three five five
613 - Ottawa
Ottawa - 613 unknown numbers service