- 3062014377 : three zero six - two zero one - four three seven seven
- 3062050320 : three zero six - two zero five - zero three two zero
- 3062058237 : three zero six - two zero five - eight two three seven
- 3062060915 : Spam....
- 3062211916 : 3062211916 calls me about 4 to 5 times a day I don't answer does anyone know..
- 3062221246 : Soon, I will just block all numbers, you want me you need to text FU..
- 3062298052 : three zero six - two two nine - eight zero five two
- 3062300958 : spam!..
- 3062516933 : three zero six - two five one - six nine three three
- 3062602784 : No voice mail very suspicious..
- 3062613273 : three zero six - two six one - three two seven three
- 3062711702 : three zero six - two seven one - one seven zero two
- 3062711833 : Rang and hung up. No message...
- 3062711898 : calls but does not leave message on machine..
- 3062711899 : three zero six - two seven one - one eight nine nine
- 3063327121 : three zero six - three three two - seven one two one
- 3063515748 : another spam caller..
- 3063518424 : three zero six - three five one - eight four two four
- 3064160416 : send bank scam text message..
- 3064919144 : three zero six - four nine one - nine one four four
- 3065004103 : three zero six - five zero zero - four one zero three
- 3065008092 : This number is skip the dishes calling about an issue with your order..
- 3065020579 : three zero six - five zero two - zero five seven nine
- 3065142484 : three zero six - five one four - two four eight four
- 3065182286 : three zero six - five one eight - two two eight six
- 3065206245 : three zero six - five two zero - six two four five
- 3065251861 : three zero six - five two five - one eight six one
- 3065357453 : three zero six - five three five - seven four five three
- 3065433333 : three zero six - five four three - three three three three
- 3065466808 : Spam....
- 3065565522 : three zero six - five five six - five five two two
- 3065695825 : three zero six - five six nine - five eight two five
- 3065802815 : three zero six - five eight zero - two eight one five
- 3065804001 : Spam....
- 3066127614 : three zero six - six one two - seven six one four
- 3066554603 : Spam . Nobody there when I answered. It hung up...
- 3066574679 : three zero six - six five seven - four six seven nine
- 3066673872 : This is an agent that is holding your package from your online military scam boy..
- 3066923767 : three zero six - six nine two - three seven six seven
- 3067289019 : three zero six - seven two eight - nine zero one nine
- 3067732750 : three zero six - seven seven three - two seven five zero
- 3067743082 : three zero six - seven seven four - three zero eight two
- 3067790150 : Received a call. Was like no one was there. Said 'Hello' several times. ..
- 3068011816 : Spam....
- 3068011833 : three zero six - eight zero one - one eight three three
- 3068011843 : Spam....
- 3068014680 : three zero six - eight zero one - four six eight zero
- 3068015219 : Spam....
- 3068015506 : Spam....
- 3068015980 : Spam....
- 3068019174 : three zero six - eight zero one - nine one seven four
- 3068035627 : three zero six - eight zero three - five six two seven
- 3068050142 : three zero six - eight zero five - zero one four two
- 3068051508 : spam!..
- 3068055279 : three zero six - eight zero five - five two seven nine
- 3068083006 : Acting as a TD representative for service of credit cards and protection from id..
- 3068083007 : Spam....
- 3068083008 : This number has been calling me 2 or 3 times a day for the last 3 weeks. I'..
- 3068083011 : Spam....
- 3068500021 : Spam....
- 3068510021 : three zero six - eight five one - zero zero two one
- 3068827780 : three zero six - eight eight two - seven seven eight zero
- 3069109697 : spam!..
- 3069121243 : three zero six - nine one two - one two four three
- 3069127614 : spam. don't answer or tell them they have the wrong number...
- 3069127765 : three zero six - nine one two - seven seven six five
- 3069141403 : three zero six - nine one four - one four zero three
- 3069662830 : three zero six - nine six six - two eight three zero
- 3069757909 : three zero six - nine seven five - seven nine zero nine
- 3069850121 : three zero six - nine eight five - zero one two one
- 3069850325 : Recorded voice saying Hello? (pause) Hello? (pause) Can you hear me okay? ( then..
- 3069850709 : three zero six - nine eight five - zero seven zero nine
- 3069850710 : three zero six - nine eight five - zero seven one zero
- 3069855148 : Spam....
- 3069859026 : Spam....
- 3069859149 : three zero six - nine eight five - nine one four nine
- 3069881310 : Calls multiple times a day. No one answers on the other end. Either scam or rob..
- 3069883530 : three zero six - nine eight eight - three five three zero
- 3069885409 : spam..
- 3069885562 : spam..
- 3069888583 : No business there Scam..
- 3069941411 : three zero six - nine nine four - one four one one
- 3069941768 : spam!..
- 3069949408 : spam!..
- 3069992229 : three zero six - nine nine nine - two two two nine
306 - Saskatoon
Saskatoon - 306 unknown numbers service