Phone Number Search

United States is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • 720-358-4046
    - Asked for my wife. I asked who was calling. They hung up.
  • 833-417-2670
    - Possibly scam. Seeing as this number has been searched multiple times prior to me, and without context- my guess is that their trying to record a sample of your voice for AI scams or to verify that someone actually owns the number in order to sell it to other scam agencies.
  • 512-647-1431
    - This number is called from my phone on march 15. I am sure my phone was in my posession and not used by anyone else. I had to pay the bill.
  • 305-766-2226
    - Mayrelis Garcia 27 yo female adult worker
  • 470-316-5055
    - They called my granddaughter using profane language and threaten her.
  • 202-990-5830
    - I was threatened by the caller.
  • 833-875-0880
    - Demanding I call 1 803 875 0119
  • 877-613-7414
    - Fraud caller id’d as t mobile
  • 800-469-6029
    - Threating property seizure
  • 510-681-0214
    - The crazy number just called and no body was talking.
  • 720-378-3267
    - Claimed to be calling from, Amazon had my name-
  • 539-290-3116
    - not sure who this was from but getting tired of all these odd numbers.
  • 610-298-0676
    - Credit One Bank
  • 833-735-1891
    - My Bank did verify that the Fraud Department was trying to reach me about a blocked transaction. This number wasn't the same one I normally call so I did not answer it. It appears to be a legitimate business but always be aware of scammers.
  • 480-849-1192
    - Is COLBY LOVE LLC in Mesa, AZ a Scam? Health Care and Social Assistance Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities