Phone Number Search

New Zealand is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • (09) 871 7578
    - yes scammer
  • (09) 296 3360
    - Got called twice in 2 hours. The first call someone was breathing and after 4 seconds I was put on hold, and a song started to play. second call after pick up the other end of the call was just breathing for 5 seconds without a word. I now blocked the number, stalkers behavior.
  • (09) 555 9583
    - unsure if spam. when I called back it went straight to a voice message which didn't identify who they were. Called twice, have never left a voice message for me.
  • (09) 888 9295
    - Don't answer calls from this number
  • (09) 476 3837
    - Calling with no messages or answer
  • (0800) 282 926
    - I answered and they immediately hung up. Probably scammers testing to see if call will be answered.
  • (09) 956 1133
    - Scammer trying to get personal details from tenants applying for legitimate rental properties
  • (09) 802 0625
    - The number call me and he said he was from payback LTD and asking me to download anydesk. I dont know if it is dangerous
  • (03) 288 9513
    - Missed the call and when I called it back it said it was My Heritage. I have a my heritage account so could be real, but not too sure…
  • (09) 222 0974
    - IHC - asking for donations.
  • (09) 967 8710
    - Charity for Animal Welfare
  • (09) 222 0974
    - Calls from Raisers Hub telemarketing agency.
  • (09) 973 0044
    - is this a scam? called to our company number and "Calling from Microsoft" asking about the current license status.
  • (09) 302 3463
    - Westpac New Zealand Limited
  • (09) 927 2638
    - No message, no idea who it is or what they want