Phone Number Search

Nigeria is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • 09 040 330722
    - A scammer.
  • 01 227 0101
    - This number called me two times
  • 01 227 2501
    - You called me too
  • 0809 009 0202
    - Please don’t pick
  • +18664450433
    - Spam..
  • 0810 844 1253
    - Spam..
  • 01 906 5100
    - Spam..
  • 0812 757 7222
    - Spam..
  • +16463350276
    - Deposité 3000 dólares y me estafaron, Tengan Cuidado!
  • 01 889 1483
    - Yes it did I picked but I didn't hear it properly but at the ending it told me to pay for something or my phone will be restricted
  • 01 235 8000
    - Spam..
  • 01 700 8460
    - Spam..
  • 01 889 1483
    - I didn't pick
  • 0805 002 0500
    - The call broke off after ringing once. This happens mostly with numbers I've blocked. I checked with Truecaller and it was indicated as spam call with "3564 spam reports"
  • 01 227 1644
    - Good morning, a lady voice on 012271644 call me this morning around 8am asking me to tell tajudeen babatunde to refund there loan. To my surprise i have never come across anybody bearing such name.