Phone Number Search

Ireland is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • (087) 412 9855
    - barbra craig
  • (01) 514 3181
    - Called continually very frustrating
  • (01) 601 1905
    - It's UPS.
  • (01) 582 3577
    - This number came from Phonewatch However when I rang it (just for curiosity but not trusting it outright ) there were two options... recorded or call to be Not recorded. The agent who answered asked for my account number or phone number... and to confirm the address.. They said their colleague was ringing to ask about an annual renewal charge.. I am wary that agents can just ask for your name or number and address and other personal/confidential details... Such as your PASSCODE or worse Called the Phone watch number that was on my Box to confirm. And they did confirm I was due for annual renewal. So if in doubt, contact phone watch directly (be wary of number spoofing) and see if something is wrong. The number should be on your box.. 0818 753 753 I'm giving it Reliable rating, but still one should be cautious and call back the company switchboard.
  • (01) 471 1841
    - This number is AXA Insurance in Dublin.
  • (01) 507 9200
    - This number called asking if I had an dentist appointment
  • (021) 420 4156
    - Axa Insurance
  • (01) 912 0040
    - It's Pre Pay power.
  • (01) 525 5774
    - Spam, add to block list
  • (042) 600 2953
    - Activ8 Solar Energies from Dundalk
  • (087) 691 5994
    - Childrens Primary care services
  • (01) 771 4479
    - This is a SCAM caller. The guy refuses to tell me, his name, what company he's from, what it's about until I confirm who I am. Dodgy please kept wise please
  • (087) 691 5994
    - B0T- spammy spammy B0T
  • (01) 513 4303
    - I asked who was calling and they refused to say and asked that I call them back. HSE recovery company for a and e charges I have found out
  • (01) 554 7894
    - Definitely a dodgy business. Avoid