Phone Number Search

Australia is an unknown number query service where you can find out the purpose of calling you from your fixed phone or mobile phone. Thanks to the comments made by our users; You can find out the purpose of the caller number and who it is. Unsolicited calls (spam), scammers and marketers are easy to spot!

You can use the search form above to query the number.


  • (03) 7051 3928
    - I only pick up phones on my contact list or state, victoria sorry
  • (03) 7044 9906
    - Called but did not leave a message
  • 0480 679 130
    - It was automatically classified as spam by Vodafone's security system.
  • (02) 9184 3890
    - i answered and the call was immediately terminated
  • (02) 9666 4950
    - just asking a personal question about my holiday ????
  • 0430 078 082
    - Did not leave message. Calling my number non stop
  • 0447 148 446
    - This number called me 3 times. First call was +61147148446, then 0147148446 twice. So annoying.
  • (02) 8106 5602
    - Someone trying to sell solar
  • 1300 185 619
    - This is currently a secondary contact phone number used by the contact centre providing the service as part of the State Penalties Enforcement Registry which is part of the Queensland Revenue Office in relation to unpaid fines and penalties issued in Queensland.
  • (02) 4355 9760
    - this is a research company and would like to 'invite' you to participate into answering research questions?...... Terribly tenacious I find! So many phone calls form them in the last few days.....
  • (02) 8806 1781
    - Scam call
  • (02) 8916 8091
    - Who are they
  • 0436 036 653
    - This number called us at 2:16 am and 2:17 am eastern standard time. We called back in the morning 8am but no answer. Unknown to us. Scammers we believed.
  • 0480 022 729
    - Debt collection
  • 0480 028 756
    - forest and bird